Cyrus 8vs2 upgrade


New member
Aug 10, 2019
System- amp Cyrus 8vs2, cd Cyrus 8se, tuner Cyrus dab 8, Cyrus psx-r and Spendor A5 loudspeakers. My amplifier seems to have a couple of faults on it, volume control level led's show only half vol level at the point when the amp starts to go unstable and the amp does not seem to like having the psx-r used with it, to the point that bass notes sound awful, however the cd8se really seems to love the psx-r so one assumes the problem lies with the amp.

Since the amp will no doubt be going back to Cyrus for attention (all equipment still under warenty) I am considering the possibility of upgrading it at the same time. I have taken a fancy to the 8xpd (moving abroad soon so obtaining cd's not so easy and therefore music dowloads maybe the only way) so a DAC will be required, however I should have around 2k to spend and was wondering if you have any other sugestions for a worthwhile upgrade, I do feel that perhaps MY 8vs2 lacks a little bit of power but of course this could have something to do with the problems allready mentioned with it,

Many Thanks

Dave Hollingsworth
Most amplifiers with a conventional volume control will be outputting their maximum volume around the 12 o'clock position. This is quite normal. Why it doesn't like the PSXR I have no idea, so it might be worth speaking to Cyrus on that matter.

You are experiencing a lack of power with your A5's - they're a fairly low sensitivity, and are harder to drive than the average speaker. You could add an X Power to your system and use your 8vs2 as a pre-amp, which would leave you about £1k for a stand alone DAC. If the speakers are a long term purchase, I'd be tempted to add the X Power (and a stand alone DAC if necessary), and maybe change your 8vs2 for a dedicated pre-amp, like the Pre Xp. This will set you up with a better system long term that has a little more flexibility.

If you want minimal boxes, the 8xpd would be a very good option. But the X Power will drive the A5's far better than any of the Cyrus integrated amplifiers will.


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