If you want to here a real story of ineptitude listen to this.
So after much umming and arring I found the tv I wanted: the panasonic 42 thpz81b with hd freesat etc, I found one in currys for £800 (It was the last one and about to be put on display and a bargain) SO I say to the manager I would like to buy it, he says fine, then things start going wrong. One of the currys minions went downstairs to get the tv all fine, BUT they have lost the remote control! Manager says "how about £50 off?" hmm I think, theres nothing I like doing more than changing the tv channel by hand on the tv itself. anyway they then say they can order on in, OK i think that will do, I suppose, BUT WAIT THERES MORE INEPTITUDE TO COME, They are about hand over the tv when I say "wheres the stand?" OH ummmmmmmmmm (blank looks from currys staff) ummm oh uhhh dunno, YEP you guessed it they had lost the stand too............
needless to say I walked out
I had a similar thing with Currys when I wanted to buy one of the last Sagem DLP RPTVs a few years ago, asked the guy if I could buy it, he went and looked, said, "we've lost the remote, I'm not allowed to sell it without the remote" so I said well can you get one in, he said we'll have to talk to the tech support company, give us your phone number I'll ring you in a couple of days.
So off I go, find out for myself that a new remote would be about 80 quid, await the phone call, which never comes, so I wander back in a couple of days later, ask about the TV, same guy tells me he sold it earlier that day, without the remote, at which point I got really rather angry, pointed out that he'd told me he couldn't sell it without the remote and walked out.
Wrote a stinking letter to Currys' customer service (first time I've ever done that!) and eventually found out that the little scrote had bought it himself! The whole lost remote thing was a complete lie because he didn't want anyone else buying the last one they had!
I don't go in there now.