Connecting Headphones to Roksan Caspian M2


Well-known member
Sep 21, 2007
I'd like to have the option of listening to music via headphones. My Roksan Caspian has no headphone jack, so wondering what is the best (and relatively cheap) piece of hardware around to allow me to do this - i'm assuming i connect via the Roksans Pre-Amp Output ?

Thanks for any advice.
One cheap and very good option would be Schiit Vali (120$ or 120 GBP in UK) - beeing a cheap valve amp it has its shortcomings though - or Schiit Magni (100$ or 100GBP in UK).

Connected to tape out, rather than pre out.

I ordered Vali form US and if I make all the calculations with shipping, customs etc. it costed me a few pounds over 120GBP. (But unlike in UK, there is no dealer my country.) Just use your favorite search engine on "Schiit Vali".

Another option would be Rega Ear at 200GBP.
nima said:
One cheap and very good option would be Schiit Vali (120$ or 120 GBP in UK) - beeing a cheap valve amp it has its shortcomings though - or Schiit Magni (100$ or 100GBP in UK).

Connected to tape out, rather than pre out.

I ordered Vali form US and if I make all the calculations with shipping, customs etc. it costed me a few pounds over 120GBP. (But unlike in UK, there is no dealer my country.) Just use your favorite search engine on "Schiit Vali".

Another option would be Rega Ear at 200GBP.

Thanks for the info. I notice What Hi-fi also rate the Pro-Ject Headbox MkII which is similar price to the Magni.

Anyone have experience of either of these HP Amps - which is better, or another recommendation ?
stevee1966 said:
Thanks for the info. I notice What Hi-fi also rate the Pro-Ject Headbox MkII which is similar price to the Magni.

Anyone have experience of either of these HP Amps - which is better, or another recommendation ?

Done some searching and most retailers have the Pro-Ject Headbox S for £99 but not the Headbox MkII. Is the S any better or worse than the MkII, and again how does the S compare to the Magni ?



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