Completely and utterly confused


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi Everyone,

I'm a new contributor to this forum. After buying What Hi-Fi for a few months I was virtually certain that I would be buying the Sony KDL 40W4500. I was virtually about to press the button to buy one when I read a thread on here about the clouding issue and now I don't know my bottom from my elbow any more. I looks like Sony are proving very evasive on this and are issuing some dodgy workarounds to get rid of the problem. Have they admitted that there is a problem with the screen, or as i expect are they saying that this is normal behavior? Has this issue now gone away? If not why don't you guys at What Hi-Fi downgrade your rating as a lot of people buy TV's on your recommendation?

One other observation I'd like to make and I'd appreciate anyone's input on this. On the Which online website, their best buys are dominated by Panasonics with them taking 24 out of the 41 Best Buys. They also have 9 from the top 10 with the sony 32D300 coming in at number 10. I'm just wondering why they have such a Panasonic slant to their reviews.



i tried the which online site and found they are really behind on their reviews as are a lot of the lcd / plasma magazines.what hi fi is about the most up to date.

i was looking at the sony 46w4500 but was put of about the clounding issue.when your gonna spend this much on a telly you don't want any problems.

it depends on your budget and size you want.i went for the samsung series 9 46inch and it is an amazing has LED backlighting which turns off the led backlight completly giving you true blacks (the dark knight looks amazing)

if your budget is a bit less than that the series 7 has the led backlighting as well(not the series 8 mind you)check out samsungs site for specs.hope this has helped.

Hi Everyone,

I'm a new contributor to this forum. After buying What Hi-Fi for a few months I was virtually certain that I would be buying the Sony KDL 40W4500. I was virtually about to press the button to buy one when I read a thread on here about the clouding issue and now I don't know my bottom from my elbow any more. I looks like Sony are proving very evasive on this and are issuing some dodgy workarounds to get rid of the problem. Have they admitted that there is a problem with the screen, or as i expect are they saying that this is normal behavior? Has this issue now gone away? If not why don't you guys at What Hi-Fi downgrade your rating as a lot of people buy TV's on your recommendation?

One other observation I'd like to make and I'd appreciate anyone's input on this. On the Which online website, their best buys are dominated by Panasonics with them taking 24 out of the 41 Best Buys. They also have 9 from the top 10 with the sony 32D300 coming in at number 10. I'm just wondering why they have such a Panasonic slant to their reviews.



having spent the last two days watching the 40W4500 set my Dad bought from Amazon, i'm even more sure it's simply the best 40in set around below £1000 - truly astonishing picture, with no clouding or any other issues as reported (and this is without any special tweaking - just a run of the THX Optimiser).

We have yet to see, in the flesh, any calibrated W4500 Sony with clouding or bleeding - and we've now sought out a range (and, as in my Dad's case, encouraged our nearest and dearest to buy them).

I have no doubt there are rogue sets, and i'd still like to see Sony take a more grown-up approach to the issue (ie admit there have been some problems with sets and get them replaced/refunded via retail pronto - though again, it looks like some dealers are being great on this) and I can totally understand why potential purchasers could be put off.

Re Which - can't comment beyond the fact that they're not an AV review specialist, and don't review such a wide range of sets as ourselves. That's not to knock the Panasonics, which are superb sets - nothing less than four stars from us for the 2008 models,and in most cases five stars and even an Award winner. A 42in Panasonic plasma could be just the thing for you...
Many thanks for yor replies Clare and madd. I think I'll take your advice Clare and go for the Sony 40w4500. I think I'll go to a shop where I can actually have a look at the picture first though.

What test can you perform to see if the set has the problem?


You need to find a blank, black channel (or, if they're playing a movie, go to the end credicts) and look for any 'clouding' or backlight show-through at the corners of the set - could be tricky in a bright shop, where they're also bound not to have calibrated the set (ie backlight up to maximum, which can make any LCD look dodgy). Take your own discs if it helps.

Just be sure any retailer knows you'll be returning the set if you find a problem at home.
Hi Everyone,

I am new to the forum but have been reading the posts for months.

I picked up a new set yesterday afternoon and once set up and adjusted settled down to watch films with the kids.

In a darkened room with the backlight and brightness set to low settings there was very clear clouding, or bleed, of light through all four corners of the set. Very noticable in dark parts of the film both on animated and real action films.

Also in lighter images you can still see the effect of the clouding in the image, the part of the screen with the clouding is a shade lighter than the surrounding image.

The set obviously has a brilliant picture and looks great when the picture is bright or the room is very brightly lit.

However as others have said earlier, you cannot miss it and are always looking for it - very upset and will be taking the set back today.

Please try testing a couple more for this in a home cinema type light, i.e. little or none and perhaps you will also begin to share the frustration and disapointment of this fault or 'characteristic' of this set.

By the way this set was assembled in Spain, November 2008.

Thanks for a great site and magazine by the way.

Cheers, Greg P
Hi Everyone,

I'm a new contributor to this forum. After buying What Hi-Fi for a few months I was virtually certain that I would be buying the Sony KDL 40W4500. I was virtually about to press the button to buy one when I read a thread on here about the clouding issue and now I don't know my bottom from my elbow any more. I looks like Sony are proving very evasive on this and are issuing some dodgy workarounds to get rid of the problem. Have they admitted that there is a problem with the screen, or as i expect are they saying that this is normal behavior? Has this issue now gone away? If not why don't you guys at What Hi-Fi downgrade your rating as a lot of people buy TV's on your recommendation?

One other observation I'd like to make and I'd appreciate anyone's input on this. On the Which online website, their best buys are dominated by Panasonics with them taking 24 out of the 41 Best Buys. They also have 9 from the top 10 with the sony 32D300 coming in at number 10. I'm just wondering why they have such a Panasonic slant to their reviews.



I'm in exactly the same boat. Been looking for a 46" LCD for a month now. Nearly purchased the Sony KDL-46W4500 after seeing the Bond demo in Comet, but the clouding issues have now put me off. I know that there is always the option to return it but no-one should have to take a gamble with that much money and then have the hassle of returning things. Plus there is no guarantee that a replacement will be any better.

I've been a Sony buyer for years, but they appear to have buried their heads in the sand over these issues - quite frankly they deserve to lose business over this. I'd bet the threads on here alone have cost them a substantial amount of custom on these TVs.

So - any suggestions on alternatives?

The Panasonics appears to be getting good reviews, and the Samsumg 9 series crops up in a few places - although I'd like to see a review on here first before I take the plunge.

If I can get a picture as good as the Bond demo I'm sold!


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