Christmas pressie for me

Lee H

New member
Oct 7, 2010
Hi all,

I posted this in the accessory section, but have been advised it might get a better response here... in short, new treat for me, budget up to £300, planes (plugged in to the movie) and phone (flac and spotify). Probably a bit of use around the pool too when on holiday. Currently on the list:

Bose QC15


Shure 840

All thoughts and suggestions welcome, especially if you've owned or do own any of these


It would help if you state what kind of music you like, as well as what kind of sound i.e. bassy, natural, detailed etc.

Based on reviews alone and portability, I would say Bose from your shortlist.

Lee H

New member
Oct 7, 2010
Listen to a wide variety of stuff, from acoustic "unplugged" style through to Green Day. If I had to pigeon hole a genre or two I'd go with rock/indie. If it's based around a guitar, chances are I'll listen to it

Lee H

New member
Oct 7, 2010
In my head I keep coming back the 840's and my first experience of listening to them. Tried the P5s at the weekend and didn't think the soundstage was particularly impressive. True, these were John Lewis demo ones so I've no idea how long they've been run in for. They did let me use my own source though so I have a good benchmark for future tests


Well-known member
Nov 21, 2007
I've been told to be wary of how demo headphones sound in stores like John Lewis or Apple. Often they have some kind of security device attached which may affect the sound and as you point out they may not have been run in or even worse mis-handled and damaged. To truly test the P5s your best bet is to try them in B&W hifi store, or buy them from somewhere that will let you return them if you are not fully satisfied having tested them yourself at home.


Have you tried the Bose yet as I have a small wager says you'll go for them?

Lee H

New member
Oct 7, 2010
Graham_Thomas:Have you tried the Bose yet as I have a small wager says you'll go for them?

Not yet! I've sold my iPhone to fund these so I'm just waiting on the money to come through first. Much easier to buy them this way as I'm perceived as spending no/little money - otherwise I just get told, "but you've got some headphones. Why do you need new ones?" Sigh....


Well-known member
Jan 2, 2008
buzz_lightclick:I've been told to be wary of how demo headphones sound in stores like John Lewis or Apple. Often they have some kind of security device attached which may affect the sound and as you point out they may not have been run in or even worse mis-handled and damaged. To truly test the P5s your best bet is to try them in B&W hifi store, or buy them from somewhere that will let you return them if you are not fully satisfied having tested them yourself at home.

I have never heard of, or heard any impact on sound by the security device. It is a wire with a sticky pad at the end, what can that do? I also think any headphone mishandled or damaged would be obvious and easily ignored.

As for running in, it is the same with your headphones at home than at the shop. If the headphone is is constant use it will remain run in. If it has been left for a while, say the shop is closed over a weekend then it may have had a chance to return to its original state. But, there is no definite proof of the audibility of running in in the smaller dynamic speakers in headphones and none at all for other types.

A shop can be a very realistic test for headphones to be used out and about. I went to an Apple Store just as it opened so it was quiet for me to try the P5s.

Lee H

New member
Oct 7, 2010
A shop can be a very realistic test for headphones to be used out and about. I went to an Apple Store just as it opened so it was quiet for me to try the P5s.

With or without your E5?


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