Chord length ?


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Aug 10, 2019
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Hi all forumers,

I'm trying set up the best HT system i can afford and have read that the chord length for the side speakers should each be be the same this really so ? I could save a few meters worth on one side where the amp will be.

John Duncan

Well-known member
Hi all forumers,

I'm trying set up the best HT system i can afford and have read that the chord length for the side speakers should each be be the same this really so ? I could save a few meters worth on one side where the amp will be.

Sonically you shouldn't have too much of a problem but with some speaker cables the difference in load between the two sides could be enough to trigger the amp into thinking there's a problem and shutting down...


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Dec 28, 2007
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When you say side speakers, do you mean surrounds? At any rate, it is recommended that they be the same length and I personally follow that recommendation. However, some people have said here they use different lengths and don't notice any issues so it's up to you really.


Yes I meant the front surrounds..equal length it is then...better safe than sorry I suppose.



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Are you using the same cable on your surrounds as you are on your front left+right+centre speakers?As many people tend to use a lesser/cheaper cable for surrounds to keep costs down! just a thought.


Doh ! sorry by left and right I meant the ones on either side of the centre speaker not the ones at the rear..!

Anyway yes i got 20m of Qed micro with the speaker package which is good for the rears apparently but I have to get something like Chord carnival or Qed silver anniversary XT for the centre and looks like I'll have to shell out on some extra meters worth, i suppose its the sensible thing to do if at some point I move house or rearrange my living room !


Hi all forumers,

I'm trying set up the best HT system i can afford and have read that the chord length for the side speakers should each be be the same this really so ? I could save a few meters worth on one side where the amp will be.

Unequal lengths will be fine.


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Sep 6, 2007
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Hi all forumers,

I'm trying set up the best HT system i can afford and have read that the chord length for the side speakers should each be be the same this really so ? I could save a few meters worth on one side where the amp will be.

It won't be a problem at all. Even if you had one 10m long and another 2m long.


i had the same issue as you and after much cocking around i went with equal amounts on either sound (not alot of excess wire) and beleive it or not i noticed the difference its only a small one but if u enjoy movies or music its worth doin


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Sep 6, 2007
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teamdolly:i had the same issue as you and after much cocking around i went with equal amounts on either sound (not alot of excess wire) and beleive it or not i noticed the difference its only a small one but if u enjoy movies or music its worth doin

From Chord Co's website:

Does speaker cable need to be used in equal lengths?
Different lengths of speaker cable will mean that the amplifier will be driving a different electrical load on each channel. This is extremely unlikely to cause any damage but it would be worth checking with the manufacturer of your amplifier before doing so. Whether or not different lengths of cable will have an audible effect on the sound is much harder to answer. We have carried out listening tests using different lengths of speaker cable and have been unable to notice any difference. The lengths we used were three and five metres and six and ten metres. As long as the lengths are not wildly different there should not be a problem.

From Townshend's website:

We even recommend the use of our Isolda speaker cables in un-equal lengths, as there is no change in the sound as the cable gets longer!

If a manufacturer insists on the use of equal lengths of speaker cable, then it is an admission that the cable changes the sound with length and therefore is imperfect!

Below is a link to more info on this (a lot of which I don't understand!) - my view is that it's much easier to sell equal lengths when upgrading but if you need 3m on one side and 1.7m on another, it will make no difference whatsoever and is a money saver - might mean that you can afford better cables.


Well-known member
Dec 28, 2007
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I have to say, I'm more sceptical of the uneven lengths of speaker
wire since i joined the forum - especially reading the above. However,
I think forbes has hit on the practical side of having even lengths - I do move my kit around a lot (get bored of the living room layout
etc.) so having even lengths definitely makes sense for this otherwise
you might find you can't place your speakers where you want!


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