Chord Company’s new SignatureX interconnect promises "the best performance in 25 years" - but it'll cost you

The pins themselves are ChorAlloy plated, a new multi-metal material that we’ve seen (and heard) used in the Award-winning Rumour X (2022) and Clearway Analogue RCA (2022) cables. ChorAlloy is designed to improve conductivity and tarnish less over time. Chord further says it aims to avoid changes in impedance where the cable is terminated.

What's wrong with gold plating? It won't tarnish at all...

Why didn't I get into the high-end HiFi cable business? The profit margins must be huge...
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Dec 20, 2019
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So how much better will these cables make Brittney Spears sound? Because I have to sttop listening to classical music, given how the woke folk are braying that classical is racist and whatnot...
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