CD player recommendation please for Audiolab/Ruark system


New member
Feb 24, 2014
Hi all,

I have a system that has both feet in the past. My amp is an Audiolab 8000A (not the grey front but a slightly later version) and I have some Ruark Talisman II speakers.

My very very ancient Philips CD player needs retiring and so I am looking at my options either new or used in the £250 to £350 price range. I know from comments on the web that the Audiolab is a fine amp but due to its very neutral (even clinical) sound it does need careful matching.

I'd really appreciate any thoughts or experiences that will help me decide the best options.

I'm wondering how players from Marantz or Cambridge would sound as they are the obvious new choices?

Thanks for your time

Welcome Oldkingo

Ordinarily I would recommend a Audiolab CD8200 to match your amp, but due to budget limitations and the Ruark speakers which have a lively top end, really need to look at Marantz CD6005, or any source that'll balance out the residual highs. Avoid Cambridge as they can be too samey, presentation-wise.

As an alternative, a Arcam rDac could be a useful component and connect it to your digital inputs on the CDP (if applicable), and it'll give you extra flexibilty should you need to download music.

S/hand CDP: Arcam DIVA range, Yamaha and Creek.
Thank you for your welcome and the advice.

I am very tempted by the Marantz but was wondering if the CD6005 offers much improvement over the 6004 as I see both are available?

Also, just to complete the picture for me, are there any NAD players that would match my system as I recall a few years back they were well rated.


The problem with NAD CD players is reliability particularly as they get older.

You should be able to get a Roksan Kandy K2 CD player 2nd hand within your budget and I think this would match very well. It is a warmer and more fluid sounding machine than many with a great talent for creating an immersive musical atmosphere. I suspect it could match your kit well.

If you want something for less money then the Marantz CD63SE is quite hard to beat though not as refined as the Roksan.


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