CD Blu rayer!?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi all, I am probably being a bit dim but............

I currently stream my music to my amp and speakers with a squeezebox duet. I was thinking of adding a DAC. I was also thinking of adding a cd player. AND i am also planning on getting a blu ray player...check me out!!

What i would like to know is; could I get just get the blu ray player and DAC and plug the blu ray via hdmi into the T.V. and at the same time connect it to the DAC via optical, then DAC to amp. Then I could use the the Blu ray as a CD player for my hifi listening and for films via the T.V?

If i can will the blu ray player (probably a budget one £200 ish) work well in this setup?

I know i don`t really need a cd player as i`m happy streaming but it would be nice to have one.


I have done some googling and it seems that yes, the blu ray player will work as as a cd player through the DAC but can anyone tell me what to expect in regards to sound quality please?

thanks in advance,

Personally I would just go for the BD player if you are going to output to the DAC.

You would probably struggle to notice a difference between a dedicated CD player and a BD player outputing to the same DAC.
Thanks Messiah, thats what I was thinking, Would a budget BD player like the samsung BD-P1500 have an optical or coaxial output on it? Its looking like I can connect my Squeezebox, Sky HD box and a BD player all to something like the Beresford DAC or the DACmagic then?

The Samsung BD player has an Optical output.

As far as the Beresford DAC goes you would need to go for the 7510 as it has 2 Optical inputs which you will need for the BD player and Sky+ HD. You can use the Coaxial for the squeezebox. (Although the new Caiman might have 2 Optical inputs I'll have to check)

Not too sure about the DACMagic without checking....

EDIT - DACMagic has two optical and two coaxial inputs but I am unsure if you can connect to both at the same time for a specific input....
Thanks again, you helped make up my mind to get the DAC next, Just got to decide which one to go for!


I'm in the same situation as you. Currently use a DVD player as transport, streaming digital into CA DACMagic, then Arcam amp and AVI Neutron V speakers. I use the same DVD player to watch movies through its HDMI output. In the near future I want to upgrade the DVD to a Blu-ray player, but otherwise keep the setup the same. Budget is £200-300 similar to yours. Let us know which suitable Blu-ray player you find!