Can Denon 37 pair up with B&W 685s?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hello to the WHF Team and Audiophile forum Members!

I really like the B&W 685s but due to space constraints, I would prefer to get an all in one system rather than buying seperates.

Would the award winning Denon 37 be good enough to pair up nicely with the B&W 685s? Or should I just stick to the Denon 37 package speakers?

As good as the Denon '37 is, the B&W 685 are superb loudspeakers and 'too good' for the '37. No doubt the '37 will pump out nicer tunes via the B&W 685, but the standard loudspeakers - to me - will be the way to go. The '685's will not quite be adequately amplified by the Denon '37.

However, should you wish to get a separates system in the future, purchasing a pair of B&W 685's now may be a good idea, so that you may use them in the future with a separates system, should you wish to upgrade in the future.
Thanks for the input.

Is there any all in one system that is "good enough" to partner well with the B&W 685s then?

Which speakers would be a suitable upgrade to the Denon 37 then?
I would suggest, based on pricing, probably something like the DALI Lektor 1 or 2?

I have not listened to either pair, but What Hi Fi seems stoked with them, so I would say they should be a good upgrade from the Denon speakers.

I am unfortunately not very familiar with many all-in-one systems. The B&W 685 loudspeakers are very good, and I suppose are really more well-suited to separates systems.

They will still perform well (they are, after all, very good loudspeakers) powered by an all-in-one system, but really should be paired with price-appropriate separates system.

This is just in my humble opinion, though.

Thanks for the input.

I was wondering whether the WHF Team here or any other of the forum member have ever tried pairing up the Denon 37 with the B&W 685s?

I agree with you that a separates system would suit the B&W 685s better and I believe that the WHF team recommends the budget Marantz 6002 combo to pair up with the B&W 685s.

Problem is that my room is pretty small so I don't really have enough space to accomodate a separates systems. The Arcam Solo/Solo mini are a bit out of my price range so that left me with the Denon 37s as the next best alternative.
I would scrap the idea of the 685's witht he Denon unless you're looking to upgrade your electronics in the not too distant future. Try the Rega R1, c. 200 quid, nice ans sensitive and a lovely smooth sound.
Yes, it looks like I'll have to scrap that idea as all the views are pointing towards needing a separates system to power up the B&W 685s...
Another vote against the pairing of the denon/685s. IME, the 685's need to be driven quite hard to get the best out of them - they are a bit sluggish at lower volumes, hence why a meaty amp is required.

Sure, they will work with the 37, but you won't get anywhere near the £350 worth of sound that they cost.

If you have a little room the B&W are not the best choice. I have them in a big room almost 5m apart and I am sure I could put them further apart to get a better sound. But how other people said buy them if in a near future you think to change room and hifi!
I do use a denon 37 with some 685's. my brother uses a denon 37 with mordant short 902's. it is a super little amp for the speakers. i would recommend the combination to any one. i tried a nicer amp with lesser speakers and it was not so good.

With the 902's they sound great but is quieter but with the 685's you get a great alround performance (espicaly considering the price) and its not to expensive if you have a limited budget ( i did) The guy that owned the shop said to get a better sounding amp i would need to be spending a good £400 on a amp to actually hear a difference. I got mine from the bowers wilkins shop in worthing (original factory of B&W)
I got Denon 37. Just got Q Acoustics latest bookshelf speakers. 2010. I'm like u short of room so no seperates. They small but excellent speakers, go well with Denon. Got reviewed in last weeks mag. 5 stars got good write up!
I curently use the denon dm37 with dali lektor 2s - but for a while had it connected to dali ikon 5s. The lektor 2 sound great - but the Ikon 5s sounded even better. No experience of the 685s, but know that the denon works well with a good speaker.
Not sure how this one got resurrected but I should think the original poster, 'seekingadvice' has got his speakers by now. It was back in February when he first asked the question.


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