can a nas run itunes?

Craig M.

New member
Mar 20, 2008
i'm looking for ways to replace my mac mini, but still use itunes and the remote app on my ipod touch. can i buy a nas that can run itunes and stream it to an apple tv?
Shouldn't be a problem: the WD NAS I have has Tunes server software built-in, and can apparently be accessed via computers running iTunes, so there's no reason why the ATV shouldn't be able to 'see' it.

I only say 'apparently' because I haven't tried it, since most of my music is stored as FLAC or full-fat uncompressed on the server, and I don't use iTunes other than for podcast downloading and keeping the apps up to date on my iPhone and iPod Touch.
"iTunes server" on every NAS I've come across is actually nothing of the sort - it only works as a shared library, and you still need a machine running iTunes to serve up the content to your Apple TV. That was the case six months ago anyway, whether that has changed since then I don't know (Google seems to agree with me so far).
I bow to JD's superior wossname in this matter. I did say 'apparently', and a look at that bit of the WD manual does only find references to using it with computers running iTunes. However, since the new ATV runs a modified version of iOS, the way it handles iTunes may be different. Maybe one to address to WD support, or the support section of whichever company you decide to buy a NAS from.

Unless, as dear Esther used to say, someone knows better...
As JD states, it doesn't. I use my Buffalo NAS to store my iTunes library but I find it a litle slow to access files at times.
thanks, that backs up what i thought.
Sounds like you're trying to do what I'm trying to do. Have a browse of the Xtreamer products, I think there's a solution in here somewhere. They're cheap too.

EDIT OK, the Xtreamer Pro doesn't yet have the ability to serve out an iTunes library (to come, apparently). It's only a set of AAC files though so I can't see why you can't serve that out as a music source.
that thread title "can a nas run itunes" looked like written irish language, so i ran it through google translate, as irish, it translates to "sing a secret itunes licence"
emotion-1.gif you didnt know you could speak irish craig

yes the tv is poor tonight
Max, random thread of the week! Before 21:00 too. I think I need to open more wine.
have a glass for me iggie, im off the booze

i think i was better off on it



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