Calling all experts! Sound quality advice please!


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Wondered if some kind folk could give me their advice please.

I play my music from my vista pc (I know the ins and outs about music file formats, thanks) and in the search for the better sound quality (on a limited budget!) I have the following question:

I currently have a Creative Audigy soundcard and a Bose Companion 2.1 speaker system. I am thinking of changing the Bose and connecting the PC to a Yamaha M170 micro system.

- Do you think this will sound significantly better?

- Do you think changing the sound card to something like an M-Audio Audiophile 2496 would improve the sound quality?

- Any other recommendations?

Thanks very much

[quote user="DiscoJimbo"]Do you think this will sound significantly better?[/quote]

Without question, given a price-appropriate pair of speakers to go with.

[quote user="DiscoJimbo"]Do you think changing the sound card to something like an M-Audio
Audiophile 2496 would improve the sound quality?[/quote]

Yes, not least from the better socketry, but only marginally in the context of the Yamaha. It might be over-egging the pudding, to be honest.
Thanks for your help. I am going to get the Yamaha (space, budget, simplicity) with some Tangent Evo E4 speakers. Thanks, again


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