Cable in - Phono stage - Cable out


New member
Mar 13, 2012
camcroft said:
Hi.Do you think it is advisable to use the same make of cable on both sides of the phono stage from the tt and onto the amp.Thanks :?

Yes because each cabel has its own characters


Well-known member
Jun 2, 2008
camcroft said:
Hi.Do you think it is advisable to use the same make of cable on both sides of the phono stage from the tt and onto the amp.Thanks :?
Not if the money spent could yield more improvement by getting a better cartridge instead.

I don't know what your cartridge is and I don't know how much you plan to spend on cables. So I can't comment on cables vs cartridge upgrade in your system. Speaking personally, my Regas never had the option of matching the cables as you describe because they all had 'tethered' signal cables wired straight into the arm and so it never bothered me.


Well-known member
Jan 12, 2012
Hi.Chebby.The cartridge is a Ortofon 2 red and the cable from the Project turntable to my Rega mini phono stage is a Qed Quinex 2 and on the other side is a Atlas integra element to the reciever/amp


New member
May 25, 2011
camcroft said:
The cartridge is a Ortofon 2 red and the cable from the Project turntable to my Rega mini phono stage is a Qed Quinex 2 and on the other side is a Atlas integra element to the reciever/amp

Hi camcroft, cables in my humble opinion are a soft option and from what I read on forums lead to going round and round and . . . you can spend a fortune and eventualy disapear down the hole in the center of the record! . . . cleaned that one up :)

I think Chebby has a point with improving the cartridge, big improvements here, depending on budget. I have spent the past 2 years upgrading the front end of my system, it did not cost me a fortune but required patience, time and personal honesty at each change or adjustment, 'better, worse, no different or a sidways move'? Takes time and understanding, understanding comes with the time.

I got to a point where the front end signal was obviously so good, it was time to look at the rest of the system, to make the best of the SQ and effort put in over the two years. The thinking is, why bother to fiddle and faff with cables, amps, speakers if the origin of the signal is not up to standard. This is not a new idea, goes back to the early days of Linn; "rubbish in, rubbish out" . . . if infomation is lost at the point of source, you cant add it later.


PS something I found that has been a tremendouse help, the use of a digital stylus scales, around £25 on fleaBay. I new that stylus presure changed the sound a suprising amount, but the Rega arm markings were wowfully inacurate I discovered. Now I can repeat a downforce to within 1/100 of a gram every time! Dont sound like much I know, but it was a big step forward for me, accuracy and repeatability is everything I found.

These are the scales I use: 200796934351 . . . but these are the latest version: 350322574886


New member
Oct 2, 2008

In the ideal world both in and out cables should be the same. But if that sound works then thats all that matters.

Buy more music instead.



New member
Jul 25, 2011
Cable from the tt to the phone preamp should be the lowest capacitance and resistance you can find, plus not be too long. Brands don't matter to that extent. Preamp to amp - what you've got is fine.


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