bush blu ray


New member
Aug 10, 2019
After renting out 2012 on blu ray and then trying to play it on my bush player only to find it did't play. Then being told that i have to upgrade my bush blu ray player to watch certain films!! Can anyone help? PLEASE
it means toss the Bush player and get a proper one ;-)

As the others have said, your player most likely requires a firmware update.

Early players were Profile 1.0. The Blu-ray standard continued to evolve, Profile 1.1 and 2.0 have been released since.

Most players can be updated by downloading the new firmware from the manufacturer's website, burning it to a blank DVD, and placing it into the player.

Some players can be updated over a network connection (you'll need to plug your player into your router if you have one, using an ethernet cable).

To find out how to update your player, have a flick through the manual.



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