Bring back SACD or better!!


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Aug 10, 2019
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Do readers not think it is a great shame that SACD has never really taken off? Movie sound on Blu Ray has the potential to deliver fantastic quality of listening experience so why do people not crave for it. I think SACD is really good ,but the choice of popular music available is not good at all ,apart from the odd re-mastered classics.

I know the trend is for everything to be downloaded compressed from "Tunes" sites but I have no downloads at all ,and would much prefer some physical object for my money , not music I can't even see. I also know that technology such as FLAC can provide a good, if not mainstream way of keeping the quality higher ,but surely there is a demand for higher than SACD quality? People are spending thousands on CD players to get the last ounce...sorry gram of quality out of their discs and yet this would be almost unnecessary if the source material were much improved. And before you suggest it I do not want to go back to LP's!

So , does anybody want better sound , or are you all happy with what you have? I think Blu Ray could be developed to produce this sort of quality, even without starting a completely new format.
I share your thoughts on this, but unfortunately the market is headed towards music downloads & people don't seem to mind buying inferior quality compressed music as many can't seem to notice a significant difference.


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Jan 7, 2010
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It was a market thing. When SACD and DVD audio were launched the public decided that CD quality was as good as they wanted or needed, so they turned their backs on the new formats. Without a mass market the recording studios are not going to release discs in these formats.


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Jun 7, 2010
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I would guess the majority of people listen to their music on pretty poor systems so a super high quality source will make little or no difference and the extra expense would not be warranted. The people in this forum sadly represent a (significant) minority so it's just not economically viable.


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Mar 9, 2010
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I too crave high quality disc recordings on the blu ray format. It is such a shame that there is not a big enough demand for them. Even if decent contempory titles were released on sacd or DTS cd would be something.

I reckon if the industry advertised the blu ray format for music there would be many takers. I think many people only think of blu ray as a movie medium and do not know its potential.

Just my two pennies worth


Well-known member
Jun 21, 2009
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The sad thing is that downloads will never give you 5.1

Though there has been a small revival in SACD fortunes recently all the current discs seem to be stereo only.

As a fan of multi-channel music the recent Tom Petty Damn The Torpedoes blu-ray has maybe given this a little push.


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