Brands that work well with Linn?


New member
Sep 9, 2007
Hi, I am looking to build a seperates system around my Sneaky DS but basically I do not have a clue as to which amp and speakers to go for. My aim is to find an amp that matches well with the Linn sound (smooth effortless)? I have heard yamaha amps have a big rich powerfull sound, also considering Roksan. Also any advice as to which brand of speaker I should be looking at?

Regards Danny
Any clue as to your budget or the size of room, or how you like to listen? (Quiet, 'normal', ornament shaking, or "do your worst and give me an ASBO 'cos I don't care"?)

Any preferences regarding stand-mount or floorstanding?
hi, i listen to all types of music, rock, easy listening, classical, r&b. medium sized room. no major issues with room ie walls or anything that interfear with acoustics, i'm no expert at system matching but i'm thinking along the lines of the roksan kandy k2 amp and b&w 685 loudspeakers?
Assuming Linn's "house sound" hasn't changed much, then the Marantz PM8003 might be worth thinking about too. I used my (now on sale) 6010-KI with a Linn Mimik and it was a lovely match. Worked a treat with Mission speakers too. If you want to go down the used route, then Mission 751s or 752 for standmounts or floorstanders. New, well, not sure what's so great for a £400 standmounter, but for Q Acoustics, you might well land the 1050i speakers for less than £300, though with the Sneaky, I think you could pitch higher.
to be honest i am trying to replicate the sound i'm getting using my grado sr60 headphones with my lehmann audio black cube (overkill i know) and sneaky, the sound is so warm and smooth, i also have a pair of grado rs1i's but instead of just sitting back and enjoying them i just keep trying to justify how they can sound £700 more than my sr60's.
the ds has a 20w nito 4ohm amp built in electrompaniet amp if you want more power plus vienna acoustics speakers


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