Bowers&Wilkins 683


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi all, This my first post here. I am a basic all-in-one home theater user and planning to change it. I actually do not know much about hi fi or surround systems. I live in Turkey and I need your advice on setting a new system. I own a 42'' Sony Bravia LCD.I thought of buying a harman kordon avr 347 receiver and Harman Kordon HKTS 11 5.1 surround speakers as home theater. Since the receiver is 7.1 channels, I am planning to buy a pair of Bowers&Wilkins 683 loudspeakers to use the to listen to music. I do not really know if such a thing can be done. This bundles add up to 4530$ (about 2350 pounds). This is probably as much I can spent. Do you think a better system can be bought? By the way I really loved the look and sound of Bowers&Wilkins. Thank all of you for your help


New member
Nov 18, 2007
hi alpharis,
I do not know what choice you have in Turkey. ( please specify ! )
The 683 are not my favourite speakers although I like the sound of B&W in general.
The international press was not teribly exited about these speakers either. The small 685 got a much better rating ! ( also from what hifi ).If you would live in the UK or in Germay it would be easy to find better speakers for the same price.
Sorry I could not help you more.


[quote user="alpbaris"]Hi all, This my first post here. I am a basic all-in-one home theater user and planning to change it. I actually do not know much about hi fi or surround systems. I live in Turkey and I need your advice on setting a new system. I own a 42'' Sony Bravia LCD.I thought of buying a harman kordon avr 347 receiver and Harman Kordon HKTS 11 5.1 surround speakers as home theater. Since the receiver is 7.1 channels, I am planning to buy a pair of Bowers&Wilkins 683 loudspeakers to use the to listen to music. I do not really know if such a thing can be done. This bundles add up to 4530$ (about 2350 pounds). This is probably as much I can spent. Do you think a better system can be bought? By the way I really loved the look and sound of Bowers&Wilkins. Thank all of you for your help[/quote]

Using an AVR for 2-channel is tricky but possible. Those speakers would certainly improve over your current sound by a good margin, but at the same time I can also warn you of chaos ahead.
If you use those B&Ws as fronts, you have a mismatch in your HT. (A rule of thumb in an HT setup is not mix 'n' match brands). The sepakers you are talking about are very different sonically. Not only that they also use power differently. Though with the help of auto-room-setup you would be able to set them up to provide similar measurable output levels, you will not be able to do much about the tonal imbalance.
There certainly would be a way to go ahead with your plan, but that would be complicated.
My advice would be to sell your current speakers and buy another set which can do music in addition to cinema.


Thank you for your interest. I really do no much know about this stuff but the salesman said to me that small speakers does not include woofers so they are not suitable for hi fi and unfortunately I live in Istanbul, Turkey. Regards


The thing I want to to do to use 5.1 channels of the receiver for Harman Kordon surround speakers and for the 2 channels remaining connect the Bowers&Wilkins' . So when I watch a movie I'll use HK's and as hifi B&W's. Actually I'm not sure if it is possible.


It is possible but you'd be listening to 2 B&Ws and rest HKs when watching movies. That is likely to spoil the experience.
If you are not a frequent movie watcher and if you don't mind changing cables from one speaker set to another then may be you can keep switching the fronts between B&W and HKs.
Another option is to buy a speaker selector, but that would be an additional cost. But if you do decide to go for it, then you can hook both the pairs at on go and keep selecting speakers from speaker selector when you want to.


Slight change in preferences :). I listened to B&W 685 and liked them as well. My living room is about 4X5 meters and I'm not sure if they will be satisfying or I really must buy floorstandings to listen to low frequency sounds decently. Not interested is HKs anymore. Just concentrated on hifi system. What about the Pinoeer PD-D6-J (looks nice and has a eisa award) with the same series amp and BW 685.

Thanks all for your advices


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