bookshelf or floorstanders


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi all,

I have a cyrus cd 7 and cyrus 8 intergrated amp with cyrus cls 50 speakers (which i have never been that happy with). I am looking to buy some new speakers and have about £500 to spend. I dont know what make will sound best with my cyrus stuff. Any suggestions will be appreciated.

I think I know what type of speakers may not go with your kit, which is generally known as "bright" --- those speakers with metal tweeters like the Monitor Audio RS series, as the combination might be too "bright" and tiring to listen to after a while. But as always, it all depends on your taste in music, the type of "sound" you like, the interconnnects and speaker cables you are using as they are all important ingredients in the "mix". The bottom line is to demo demo demo different combinations to see which suits YOU.
thanks very much for that, i am going out tomorrow to demo some mordant short 316i but am not sure whether to wait and save up and be a bit more happy with my purchase. At the moment i am using qeu silver 25th aniversary cables. Are they any good or re-new them aswell.
Hi Scott,

I have Cyrus gear into B&W speakers and I love the sound. There is a poll on Cyrusunofficial:

currently where people have posted their speaker matches. Might be worth a look. I agree with the first reply to be careful not to have too "bright" speakers. Regardless: demo, demo, demo!


Did worry about that, i like clarity but not too much. will check out the site. thanks again.


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