Blu Ray Player Reviews


New member
Aug 27, 2008
Would it be possible in the future to compare the sound and vision quality of bluray players to the upscaling capabilities of STAND ALONE dvd players and the sound quality of stand alone cd players? I personally have a Pioneer LX50 dvd player which has AWESOME uscaled pictures. It would be good to know that when I upgrade my PS3 to a proper bluray player that the upscaled pics will be at LEAST as good as my pioneer 🙂
The PS3 will be better- not the best blu ray player for sure but better nonetheless. There simply isn't a substiture for the extra information being on the disc rather than imagined by an upscaler.
I think what's being said here is comparing a BlueRay player's DVD playing ability to a standalone DVD player, and CD playback to a standalone CD player, (and maybe DVD/CD players).

I think this would be really useful in terms of deciding whether to go for one player, or potentially 3.

I think what's being said here is comparing a BlueRay player's DVD playing ability to a standalone DVD player, and CD playback to a standalone CD player, (and maybe DVD/CD players).

I think this would be really useful in terms of deciding whether to go for one player, or potentially 3.

Thats exactly what im asking.

I doubt the cd playback would ever truly compare with a 'high end' cd player, but im sure others might find it useful

For the record, the LX50s dvd playback absolutely trounces the PS3s dvd capabilities
Erm, but the majority of our Blu-ray player reviews already compare their performance to dedicated kit.

For example, in the Awards issue, the Denon DVD-2500BT review includes: "High-end DVD players should be very afraid; the Denon produces a smooth, noise-free picture that's more than a match for our reference DVD player, the Marantz DV-7001".

Admittedly, we don't tend to name specific CD players when discussing stereo performance, but have stated many times that, on average, decent AV kit will perform to the level of decent stereo kit costing around a third of the money.

If you have specific products in mind, please ask up here and the team/other users will chip in to share their experiences, too.
Cheers Clare

I know that 'some' reviews have similar details in. I was more asking if ALL reviews could

(Especially when doing supertests?)


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