Best TV - is it still the Kuro?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi guys, new member here *wave*

I've had an interest in AV equipment for a while but I've only ever kept it to a passing interest and the funds haven't allowed me to get in depth with it, sound and vision seems to be an expensive hobby!

Anyway, I have read about Pioneer pulling out of the plasma market and as it happens I'm in the market for a new TV, so I have been looking at the Kuro 5090.

All the reviews I have looked at have been from around a year ago when it seems to have been billed as the best thing EVER...but we are almost a year of improved technology down the question is for a top quality TV is the Kuro 5090 still the best thing I can buy (picture quality wise), or do the improvements made by the competition to their new ranges in the last year, mean that the quality difference is small and perhaps the extra outlay won't be worthwhile?

I can't find any review comparing the 5090 with newer models so I can't get an accurate opinion...any thoughts would be most welcome!

Many thanks 🙂
The Kuro '5090 is an absolutely brilliant screen, and if you can get one before production ends I'd definitely go for it. Destined to become a classic, I think.
KRP-500A is it's successor.

But even the 5090 is better than anything made by anyone else.
Sonys x4500 series cant be far behind....but once you compare prices, pioneer wins.
That's certainly decisive replies, thanks very much for all the votes of confidence, that helps me along!

The shop I have spoken to are getting a new supply of them in next week and they are the 5090H, European versions with a satellite tuner built in and also an ethernet port.

The satellite tuner won't be a lot of use to me unless I get a dish (will a freesat dish do?) but the ethernet connection sounds could that be utilised on a TV?
Probably. They are not perfect but I still haven't seen a better large screen tv for sane money (Panasonic's 65" Pro Plasma is outstanding at around £7k). I recently looked at Samsungs 46" 7020W after going to a shop for an entirely different reason and was impressed. Unfortunately it somehow lacks the natural 'realistic' look to good broadcasts but a very good product nevertheless, especially if you require a lot of brightness and good vfm at around £1500. Leaves the Sony's Xseries, as mentioned by someone before. Probably the equal though they do different things better. More expensive too. As always, my opinion only.

The shop I have spoken to are getting a new supply of them in next week and they are the 5090H

I'm possibly in the market for one, may I enquire as to which shop? Can't find any suppliers in my area (Torbay). In fact, unless one wants a Samsung, Sony or Panasonic anything else seems impossible to get hold of nowadays.
I got mine from Richer Sounds today but you won't have any luck I'm afraid...they had 94 coming from the warehouse and all were sold before they reached the stores, in fact there was a queue for them, I was very lucky....or I've now got it sat in a hulking great box with no flipping stand to put it on....looks like I'm going to be stung for another £100 just for theÿprivilegeÿof having it upright...hoo flipping ray.

ÿGood luck with the search, just don't forget to buy a stand unless you are wall mounting!ÿ


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