Best speakers for NAD c356 bee


Well-known member
Oct 16, 2014
Hi everyone! I have a Nad c356bee in my attic (4x5 m). Currently it is matched with a pair of MA BR2. I would like to upgrade them but I am not really sure what is the best speaker for NAD and jazz(B&W, Tannoy, MA...). Any suggestion?
manufelices said:
In Sweden. Tannoy, MA, B&W, Dynaudio, Dali and KEF.

Take your amp with you and try all those brands. Personally, I'd look at Dali and Dynaudio, but all those are very valid options. If you can, try to demon in your own space - at least after you decide on a model - since the room always makes a big difference.
PSB and nad are sister companies. And PSB uses nad amps in the design stages of their speakers. So they both should ideally pair well. However if you don't have a PSB dealer where you live. Then you can go on the bluesound forum where bluesound powernode owners have paired their powernodes with Dali zensor 3's, and kef q series speakers mostly. Since the bluesound is also developed by nad, I think Dali zensor 3's and kef q300 or r100's should pair well. I myself have used qacoustics concept 40's with the powernode and was very happy with the pairing . So qacoustics could also be considered, especially the concept 20's if your main listening is vocals.
I'd go in and compare as many as possible in a demo. Dynaudio and Tannoy would be what I'd personally listen to first but by all means try as many as possible.

Narrow it down to a pair of two and see if you could do a home demo. In the UK you usually can with any good dealer.


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