Best multi disk cd seperate?


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2015
Hi folks, advice sought please.

As per my previous post I have Arcam Alpha 9 kit with B&W 601 s2's. Have just bought an Arcam MCD 6 disk changer (these are impossible to source and took ages!) to replace my single CD player and so matches my setup.... However.... It does not sound as perfect as I'd hoped and there is a marginal loss of quality compared to the single disk player.

Can anyone recommend a decent full sized multi disk seperate I can source instead of the MCD? Happy to consider new/old kit as long as matches my setup and will sound decent.

Also, will it sound better than the Arcam one?

If not then I will stick with this.

Thanks in advance.
if a 2 disc deck is enough for your needs try finding a NAD c660 recorder.

In its time it was described as an 'Audiophile' quality sounding recorder.

Rear as hens teeth but if you can find one....
Re-read my post from ages ago and thought it was worth posting an update in case anyone else is considering a multi disk player...

So it turned out the multi disk player was fine, perfect in fact, sounds awesome/excellent, and indescernible from the Arcam single disk player. Even did a blind test with a mate switching inputs and he could not tell the difference.

Turns out my amp input I had it connected to had gone jippy. A quick amp service later and all good.

So sumup to re-post is the Arcam MCD really does sound great, can't knock it at all.


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