Hello Everyone, First, I am glad to find such a high quality audio website on the internet. I confess being a complete noobie, and I would like to have some recommendations about the best audio system I could have for a max budget of 1000$ (speakers + receiver+ any other stuff needed). Of course, this depends on what I listen to with my audio system. Basically I like to listen to classical music, especially romantic and baroque compositions. Therefore there are a lot of piano and harpsichord there. I also listen a lot to sonatas and guitar. But to complicate the matters a little bit, I also like to switch to some good old heavy metal stuff, with crazy guitar solos and the like. I have no cds, I mostly use my premium spotify account to get the music I like. That said, what would be your recommendation to build the best audio system I could get within my budget? Many thanks for your help!!!Have a nice day