The problem is, if you go back 10-15 years, there were some real class acts - Audiolab's 8000A, Arcam's Alpha 9, even Cyrus! Now, it seems to be tumbleweed territory - no high end manufacturer will go near it. There are a some of amps you could look out for, like Marantz's PM7200, which I feel was one of their best amps this side of the PM17, or Audiolab's 8000A as mentioned.
The iQ5se can be a fantastic sounding little loudspeaker, so make sure you hear some Amos with them. I'd be inclined to save a little more and look at Audiolab's new 8200A - I know I'll be in danger of over-recommending this amp, but for me, it's brought down serious quality hi-fi amplification to £699.