Bedroom system


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I am after a system for my bedroom which unfortunately isnt a great listening environment (quite small mainly filled with bed etc) and have limited my choices to the following. The budget is around 800.

Moving my B&O 2300 in from the living room and pairing it with beolab 4 or beolab 4000 speakers.

Getting a Marantz PM 6003 and CD 6003 and pairing with a cheaper set of speakers something in the monitor audio br1 or br2 range.

Getting a Marantz Micro cr 502 and pairing with a set of b & w 686

Getting a sonos Zone player 120 and pairing with a set of Monitor Audio bx 2's

Obviously I can mix abd match above as long as I stay within budget.

Having spent years with mp3's and only recently relaising how much more enjoyable good quality audio (my hearing is better than it was) most of my music collection is stored digitally although I wouldnt be opposed to buying my favourite stuff on cd as a lot of my collection is mp3's.

I would mainly listen to Bruce Springsteen and music like that.

Any one any ideas and opinions on the above?
What about a Brennan JB7?

Rip all your CDs to it so you don't need to have them laying around in your bedroom. Pair it with some decent speakers. Hey presto!
Big Chris:
What about a Brennan JB7?

Rip all your CDs to it so you don't need to have them laying around in your bedroom. Pair it with some decent speakers. Hey presto!

I dont yet have that many cd's as most of my music is stored digitally on a couple of mac's about the house. That's why I am seriously condiering the Sonos ZP 120.

Thanks for the suggestion though
For a small bedroom a KingRex T-20U amp in to some JohnBlue JB3 speakers sounds magical, just use the usb port from your PC or mac.

Another superb little amp is the Musica int-30, it's so transparent and has a brill midrange, only 20 watts but the sound is just amazingly transparent.
DAVID MCKEOWN:I dont yet have that many cd's as most of my music is stored digitally on a couple of mac's about the house. That's why I am seriously condiering the Sonos ZP 120.
How about the Squeezebox Touch hooked up to a pair of these?

The Touch can handle files upto 24bit/96khz and internet radio will open up a whole world of music at your fingertips. You may well not "have that many cd's" for a long time!

And all for less than £480.
I also support a recommendation for a streamer + active speakers.

I just got a Squeezebox Touch for my bedroom system and it works wonderfully. I would have gone for active speakers as well but I already had existing ones so just got a budget micro-system to drive them.

Had I not had the speakers I would have definately gone for SB touch + actives. why? a streamer is a very versatile solution (in terms of what and how it can play and how easily it can be integrated into a mac network and controlled). SB touch is a very good one in terms of its abilites and the touchscreen control is very good. Active speakers have design advantages over passive ones and can sound very dynamic and distorsion-free. the nubmer of boxes is low, too!
The Beolab 4000s you mention would be an ideal choice, but aren't they substantially over the £800 mark?
Tarquinh:The Beolab 4000s you mention would be an ideal choice, but aren't they substantially over the £800 mark?
I can pick up a set second hand well within budget
Ever thought of a one-box solution? Bought myself a Geneva Model S recently as I was hugely impressed by it's sound quality. I use that as my bedroom system. Doesn't play CD's, though. You would have to step one size up to the Model M. Might be well worth a listen...
DAVID MCKEOWN:Tarquinh:The Beolab 4000s you mention would be an ideal choice, but aren't they substantially over the £800 mark?
I can pick up a set second hand well within budgetThen I wouldn't look much further. Only heard them the once, but I thought they were impressive speakers.


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