Might've found something that's a bit good... After searching the http://aurgasm.us/ site - thanks to Nads for the heads up [🙂] - which lists new artists' free sample DLs, I went a Googling for one of the acts - Namasté / L'absurde EP - hoping to find a CD or something more 'solid' than a low-res sample MP3. Stumbled on a Google listing for Namasté at a site called http://BandCamp.com/, which is a site for artists to "sell your music and merch directly to your fans" - and the number of artists and genres is pleasingly vast. Paid via PayPal for a DL of Namasté's 6-track EP, the cost of which was "enter any amount higher than US$6 (£3.80)", which is very fair, and then selected a format: there's the ubiquitous MP3 320 and for "Audiophiles and Nerds" there're ALAC and FLAC options, at no extra cost. (The EP's 4:17 title track as an ALAC is 23.9MB/1411kbps.) And the DL process was hassle-free and very swift, too. [😀] There also appears to be a number of acts offering free sample tracks (ALAC OR FLAC). What a very splendid thing is BandCamp. [<😱)] Only one problem - well, two actually - no listings for Designs of Chaos or Waxed (yet?)... [😉]