JoelSim:0.5m is all I need.
Balanced is for long distances.
For that length you will be fine with an unbalanced cable.
A fiver should get something well made.
I don't have a fiver, but there's a £100 mote burning a hole in my pocket. Spending a fiver would cost me more in the long-run as there would always be a nagging feeling. Plus it will be a fiver lost. The way I do business is to only buy stuff which has an equivalent or better sell-on value a few months/year or two down the line. I bought a cheap I/C once and it went straight in the cupboard after a 15 minute test. I think I lost £8.99 plus P&P on that. Never again.
Interestingly, in my recent experience I found that a cheap Van Damme balanced XLR (probably no more than £30 for the pair, max) is now replacing the Atlas Titan All Cu RCA pair (RRP of 10x the Van Dammes). The differences are absolutely minimal. I also repeat that the difference between the Van Damme XLRs and the GA Coalesce XLRs, at roughly twice the cost, is also minimal.
I can readily understand the view that you need to buy something that will not depreciate in value, but nothing is certain - if I can purchase brand new Atlas I/Cs at £110 a pair that previously cost folk getting on for three times that amount, then I'm afraid you are never going to be safe in assuming that just because you purchased a premium, highly-regarded item, it will hold its value. In this age of the Fleabay the opportunities to buy and sell are endless: take advantage of them. Try something cheap and cheerful off Fleabay and see if it works for you - I shouldn't imagine you would take much of a 'hit' if you sell it on afterwards.
Actually, if you can see your way to buying a pair at £100+ between now and early September, that would be great - a report and recommendation just before I try some more options would be great!