B&W 685 + NAD 326BEE + ?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I am working backwards in buying my first separates hi-fi. After reading WHF off and on for a couple of years I am set on starting with the B&W 685's - which not only look great but get rave reviews for the price range - promising good bass and intimate balance across the mid to high range. Through extensive reading it looks like the best partner is the NAD 326BEE, which can deliver the clarity, balance and punch for these speakers - as well as all round clarity for all music types from rock to quiet jazz and classical.

My question is which CDR is best to match these two - NAD 545BEE or the new Marantz CD6003? Does too much NAD + B&W = too much boom and murk, which could be cleared up a little by the Marantz brightness - or is it best to stick with the same manufacturer?

Finally, for the future I may start feeding in uncompressed CD rips (WAV) from a PC through a DAC - possibly CA DacMagic into the setup - is anyone using this kit and how well does it sound?

Any critique welcome, especially from the WHF staff and the infamous Matthewpiano who are well aquainted with this kit!
Having recently moved from the NAD C545BEE to a Rega Apollo and owning the B&W 685's and having demo'd the NAD C326BEE and Marantz CD/PM6003 a lot I'd say that it'd be a tough choice!

Both the NAD C545BEE and Marantz CD6003 are very good CDP's and have their own plus and minus points...

The NAD CV326BEE is a stunning amp but the Rotel RA04SE and the Audiolabd 8000S amps shouldnt be discounted at similar prices; nor should the NAD C355BEE amp which can currently be bought at £249/£299 in Silver from Richer Sounds.

Tonally the NAD C355BEE is different from the NAD C326BEE in such that it's not as bass dependent but still VERY punchy and detailed with a great midrange and crisp/clear treble. It'll also withstand a good few upgrades in the CDP/speaker regions as well!

For me, if I had to go for the above mentioned seperates, I'd be going for the NAD C326BEE amp, Marantz CD6003 CDP and the B&W 685 speakers (dont forget though that you need to budget for speaker stands, speaker cable and interconnects - The likes of the Chord Crimson, Atlas Equator or the Blak Rhodium Prelude interconnects would be a good starting point as would the Chord Carnival Silverscreen or QED Silver Anniversary speaker cable. As for stands; the likes of the Atacama Nexus 6i's or the Soundstyle Z2's would be ideal. They both sound their best when mass loaded with the likes of atabites).

The NAD C326BEE, Marantz CD6003, NAD C545BEE and Marantx PM6006 amps/CDP's and the B&W 685's need to be demo'd though!

It could be a case that the NAD C545BEE CDP and Marantz PM6003 amp sound better then the NAD C326BEE amp and the Marantz CD6003; or the NAD/B&W combo over the Marantz/B&W combo and vice versa!

It's not that straight forward as you'd like
Thanks d_a_n1979,

Great reply - interesting about the Rotel - owned by B&W group should be perfect match - but read somewhere it gets confused with lots going on. Also didn't WHF mark down the NAD 355 - maybe based on value though not performance. Quite a lot recommend moving up to the 355 for extra power. I assumed I would get Chord carnival silverscreen, Chord crimson plus and Partington Super Dreadnoughts.

Looks like I need to demo:

Amp: NAD 326 + 355, Marantz PM6003, Rotel RA04SE

CDR NAD 545, Marantz CD6003
I agree with the above demo'd yes
I'd also add the Monitor Audio RX1's in there as well.

As I've said in another similar post they give the B&W 685's a solid run for their money and they're both very good speakers (IMO it'd be a tough decision)

As for the NAD C355BEE; yes it did 'only' get 4 stars but it's a superb amp. It's not as bass prominent as a lot of other NAD amps and when I demo'd it against the likes of the Rotel RA1520, RA06SE, Cyrus 6XP, Yamaha AS2000, Roksan Kandy K2 and the Audiolabd 8000S integrated with the Audiolab 8000P power amp combo the NAD stood out with its overall soundstage.

The Cyrus 6XP was superb but a bit bass shy and bright at times. The same with the Roksan Kandy K2 (although it had more bass it wasnt as punchy as the NAD was IMO). Both Rotels were superb but a little too laid back with the M/A RX6's and the Yamaha was that smooth it's hair was slicked back and it had Old Spice on!

For the cables I'd say you've got a good choice there but dont rule out the Chord Rumour/Oddyssey 2 speaker cables (a bit more expensive but very good). The Black Rhodium Prelude and Atlas Equator interconnects are also superb so if you can get a demo of them then do so
d_a_n1979:the NAD C355BEE amp which can currently be bought at £249/£299 in Silver from Richer Sounds

Apologies to the OP for hijacking this thread but Dan where have you seen the Nad C355 at Richer Sounds for £249? On their website it's priced at £299. For £249 it'd be an absolute steal!!

I have an almost exact setup as you.

NAD326, B&W 685's

However, as I prefer vinyl over CD's, (so it wasn't as critical a component in my system) i went with the NAD515 because it consistently received good ratings on many sites, was aesthetically a match with the amp, and lastly, was the cheapest cdp they had. In the 4 months i've owned the system, i've probably put on around 100hrs of listening time, with maybe only a total of 10hrs or less using the cd player. I've also heard the 545 (borrowed the store demo units to test on my home system), and although it does seem to sound a bit better, I can't honestly say I'll be able to tell the difference in a blind sound test (that line seems funny).

Just something else for you to think about...
thanks, do you consider this setup bassy as implied by many reviewers?

Also what experience do you have with stands for the 685's - have you noticed benefits with your choice?
the c326bee was too bassy for me , i swapped for the marantz pm 6003 , and i love it , not too much bass , but certainly not bass shy , more detail , bigger more open soundstage to my ears , im very happy with the marantz ...
someone posted a reply describing the B&W 685's as too laid back for rock music - anyone know what that means ?
igglepiggle:someone posted a reply describing the B&W 685's as too laid back for rock music - anyone know what that means ?

Not an entirely fair description. I have them. Just don't use laid-back sources with it - then it will sound as such.

With well-matched amps and sources, and sited properly these are exceptional speakers. And their looks (with grills off) and build are the business. Ideally they also want some space from the rear walls - perfect would be >= 25cm. Too close and clarity and imaging explicitly suffer.

Oh also, they sound a bit more open with grills off, these slot in nicely between my B&W stand pillars. After listening I put them back on.
Thanks for that reply Manicm - is it that the 326 is considered laid-back then? I guess this point is about timing of amps and cdp's - when the music starts getting dense and fast and loud the equipment can't keep up? What amp / cdr do you think is still punch but not laid-back with the 685's?
igglepiggle - I think Dan can point you in the right direction there - in fact he swears by the 326BEE and 685s - with suitable CDP.

EDIT NB!: Don't leave out the Rotel RA-04 or newer RA-04SE - apparently the Rotel/B&W combo makes a consistently excellent combination.
Last weekend I heard the B&W 685 with the RA-04SE and the PM6003. I'm still not a big fan of the 685 speakers but IMO the PM6003 sounded better with the speakers than the rotel. The RA-04SE is a bit too lively for me and the Marantz had a better soundstage and more detail.
take this months issue in. worked for me, paid 249, titanium grey only though


d_a_n1979:the NAD C355BEE amp which can currently be bought at £249/£299 in Silver from Richer Sounds

Apologies to the OP for hijacking this thread but Dan where have you seen the Nad C355 at Richer Sounds for £249? On their website it's priced at £299. For £249 it'd be an absolute steal!!

i demo'd the C326 with 685s with both the C545 and 6003; the double NAD combo sounded way to rich and with too much bass. everything just got lost in a murky mess. the 6003 sounded much better. i ended up with a Rega Apollo though!


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