Thinking of upgrading speaker cable between Onkyo 606 & MA Radius 7.1 speakers with QED Silver Anniversary XT cable. Am I right in thinking that I can connect the speakers with the cable terminated at the speaker end. If so, is there any point seeing as I'll need to use the binding posts on the amp.
Also, have heard about the amp being debunged, how easy is this and is it likely to bring any significant improvements.
Finally, to my ears, my amp speakers combo tends to produce a sound which is a little too harsh. Noted from WHF review that the QED cable can sound a little lean and was wondering whether I would be better partnering a different cable with my set up.
Also, have heard about the amp being debunged, how easy is this and is it likely to bring any significant improvements.
Finally, to my ears, my amp speakers combo tends to produce a sound which is a little too harsh. Noted from WHF review that the QED cable can sound a little lean and was wondering whether I would be better partnering a different cable with my set up.