CraigDS:Hello, I recently made a short list of AV recievers to demo but now I don't know if I should delay my purchase for a 3D and Hdmi 1.4 compatible AV reciever. Can AV recievers be upgraded with software? I am interested in the new cambridge audio 650r but don't want to pay £1k+ for an updated one to be released a year later?
Simple really
If you think you want 3D then wait....................if not then buy now.
That choice can only be yours.....................for me it's a lot of tosh and I will stay with what I have, if it becomes mainstream then maybe a rethink however I can't see that happening for many years..............if at all!!
Sky is hoping for 50 HD channels for end this year.................and probably 1 x 3D channel .......... I know what I'll be watching, (clue, it won't be 3D)
Good luck