AUDIO on tv ,


New member
Jan 28, 2011
just purchased the sony str dh 810 , this has 4 hdmi input socket , which i will use for sky hd and blu ray and x box 360 , will the sound still come through the tv via the hdmi out put socket when the reciever isnt on as i watch normal tv at times and dont want the amp on all the time except when watching movies and some sports etc.
so sound will come through without the amp on as per normal , ive read some great reviews about this amp and looking forward to it arriving next week , i have missions to go with it and a sub so should be good. cheers for the advice.
would it be worth using a HDMI splitter aswell for the sound on the tv and run a HDMI into HDMI socket 2 on the tv so my misses who doesnt know how to operate the amp and stuff can just turn the tv on without swithching on the amp for easyiness sake.


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