Thanks for the opportunity!
1) Slow load times - I wonder if there could be a fast load that let you get straight to a simple menu where you could do audio setup and play the movie. It seems as though a lot of the load time is in setting up hi tech menus and java based features that have no use or benefit for someone who just wants to play a movie.
In some ways I think the industry is getting a bit confused about where it's at and where it's going. I imagine that the corporate strategy meetings are determining that they are in the 'Entertainment' business and not the movies. So there is a big drive to include extra content such as games, and interactive material in order to broaden the market and, in theory, to improve replayability. My personal view is that this is a huge mistake and that they would be better off producing cheaper and simpler HD movies, rather than trying to develop an entire 'entertainment experience'. I believe that this is an attempt to head off alternative access to movie-like material via the internet. Unfortunately the technology required by both sides to deliver the vision is not actually there yet - so you end up with a frustrating consumer experience. I would be very surprised if many of the top management making these decisions actually use their own products in a consumer environment.
2) I know no-one wants any more changes to profiles, but it would be great if players, amps and tvs could neogotiate the best video and audio they can handle and just show it!
It seems silly that a BD player, amp and TV from Sony playing BD will default to Dolby unless a menu is manually changed. This is not going to happen for the vast majority of consumers who will miss out an important part of the revolution.
Further if you took all the posts out of the forum that relate to users being unable to get HD audio working between the player and amp there would only be about half as much content left.
Even improved diagnostics would be something - if you could get the player to say (in plain English (not bitstream, PCM or DTS)) what is was sending and the receiver to say what it was doing then that would help too.
3) All BD players afaik can play DVDs. Since the cat is entirely out of the bag on DVD regions, let's stop trying to enforce region coding on the BD player for DVDs. This is just nonsense.
In fact, I actually don't understand why anyone (including the studios) needs region codes on Blu Ray either? It would make life and releasing so much simpler just to go completely region free. Do they actually want to make things difficult for collectors and some of their best customers?
4) I have a nice Sony DVD player (region free), that will load up to 5 DVDs (quickly), remember where I'm up to on each one and swtich fairly quickly between them. My Sony BD player, loads one BD (very slowly), forgets where I'm up to as soon as it's switched off or after a certain time anyway, and takes forever to unload and load another disk. This is not spectaculor progress.
BUT after all this I love Blu Ray and only ever buy BDs now. It is a great format with huge potential, just some of the detail and usability needs to be worked on.
Some excellent and well-made points there, which I wholeheartedly agree with.
I've just got a Pioneer BDP-51FD Blu-ray player, and I can't believe how slow it is in operation. And that's not just with Blu-rays - it takes a couple of minutes or so when you switch it on before you can do anything with it at all. And it seems to take almost as long to load a DVD as it does a BD. My PS3 would be well into the film whilst the Pioneer's still loading!