Thanks for for valuable response. I did follow your link and this did put me off the Epos M5i's. But this also led on to an intersting response of matthewpiano's to someone's enquiry, in which he gave a very good report on Dali Lektor 2 speakers. Superfi dodn't do them and Richer Sounds are too busy to do demos before Christmas, except with what they already have set up, which is not my system. So getting a demo is a problem at the moment where I am. I would again appreciate any feedback on these Dali Lektor 2 speakers. They are also below the RRP price range of my AS700 Yamaha amp by about £240 - £300 as against £540. Is this likely to matter. And I'm wondering if they would be powerful enough for my Yamaha amp. But, of course, the crucial question is how smooth and not sharp they are with treble sounds and stable as against overly dramatic in their swings in classical orchestral music, both issues which, of course, are my prblem with my B&W 685's. And also there is the quesion of how the Dali Lektor 2's would go with my Marantz cd6003, and whether or not a Nad Cd 545 BEE would be necessary/make a valuable difference. If I did go for both new speakers and a new cd player, I would have to seel my B&W 685's, but I know someone who could make very good use of my Marantz cd player as a Christmas present!