Are Epos M5i speakers, etc, a good idea with my system for classical music?


New member
Mar 19, 2010
As in my very recent previous thread, I already have a Yamaha AS700 amp,a Marantz cdp 6003, and B&W 685 speakers. The problem is dramatic swings in classical orchestral music (and some sharpness - in soprano solo voices in particular). I am looking for a smooth, natural sound. Epos M5i speakers have been suggested to me - at a cut price £240 (from £490 originally - to replace the B&W's, and I am also wondering if a Nad 545 Bee cd player would also help or even be necessary if I sort out the speakers. Or if there are better alternatives. I would greatly appreciate any advice/opinions. I am on some sort of budget over all this.
I have a set of epos M5's and love them but they have to be matched well. The m5i's are no different in that respect. I have not heard your amp but it has sufficient power to drive the epos ( which have a tricky speaker load) and if it is typical yamaha then it should match up well with them. I also have the nad c542 cd player which again matches well. I think the epos would go well with that combo.

Word of warning though, You should use copper cable and not silver. I use dnm precision and it sounds fantastic with the epos but qed xtube400 or chord odyssey added some brightness.I would also put them on stands that are NOT mass filled. Mass filling strangles the life out of them. You should also be aware that they do not have anything like the bass weight of the B&W's but they are tight,punchy and detailed with a sweeter treble than the B&W's, as long as you match them up right.

They sound so different to the B&W's though , it might be worth a demo if you can before spending. The Epos M12i's would also possibly be closer to the B&W's in terms of outright bass extension and you may also be able to pick a pair of those up for a bargain
I really appreciate you taking the time and trouble to put together such a detailed and informative response to my post/enquiry. The trouble is that the more I look into this question the more I realise what there is to consider, and I end up getting confused! There are so many things to consider to get the sound one wants, especially it seems when it comes to matching the different separates. It has been pointed out to me several times this year on this forum, and of course I agree with this, that there is no substitute for going into a store for a demo. But this can get complicated by what the store actually has in stock, or rather doesn't have. This really was a problem in the first place back in March when I bought my current system at Superfi - which is quite a big store too - when it came to exchanging the amp twice. I think I have identified the no.1 problem, which is the B&W 685's (though I do think to a lesser extent the Marantz cd 6003 probably comes into it too). As regards the Epos M5i's you mention that they have a punchy bass - but I'm not sure that this is what I am looking for (it's part of the trouble I think with the delivery of what I've already got) so I go down to Superfi and try them out, maybe don't like them and then find they don't have anything else in my price range that is suitable. In March I was in and out of that place as well as Richer sounds! And at Superfi in my second and final exchange of amps I ran out of amps to try except for the Yamaha AS 700, which took me at least £200 out of my price range too! Please forgive this little moan of mine! I am as I say very grateful for your help all the same.
Will probably get a slapped wrist for posting this link, but if not there is a review of them from Techradar here.

On paper they don't seem suitable for what you're looking for but it's your ears to decide.
Thanks for for valuable response. I did follow your link and this did put me off the Epos M5i's. But this also led on to an intersting response of matthewpiano's to someone's enquiry, in which he gave a very good report on Dali Lektor 2 speakers. Superfi dodn't do them and Richer Sounds are too busy to do demos before Christmas, except with what they already have set up, which is not my system. So getting a demo is a problem at the moment where I am. I would again appreciate any feedback on these Dali Lektor 2 speakers. They are also below the RRP price range of my AS700 Yamaha amp by about £240 - £300 as against £540. Is this likely to matter. And I'm wondering if they would be powerful enough for my Yamaha amp. But, of course, the crucial question is how smooth and not sharp they are with treble sounds and stable as against overly dramatic in their swings in classical orchestral music, both issues which, of course, are my prblem with my B&W 685's. And also there is the quesion of how the Dali Lektor 2's would go with my Marantz cd6003, and whether or not a Nad Cd 545 BEE would be necessary/make a valuable difference. If I did go for both new speakers and a new cd player, I would have to seel my B&W 685's, but I know someone who could make very good use of my Marantz cd player as a Christmas present!
Where do you live?

EDIT - By the way, the "swings" are called "dynamics". I'm not a classical music listener but strong dynamics seem to me what a lot of classical lovers prize, but if that's not your sound that's fine.
North London. Okay, so I'm sure there are plenty of stores I've not heard of - or not bothered to find out about! I'm all 'ears'! By the way what I left out in my previous post was that matthewpiano also gave a very glowing report on the Nad cd 545 BEE that he has, to go with his Dali Lektor 2's.
Well get along to places like Bartlett's (not a stone's throw away I bet), Audio T in Enfield, Sevenoaks in Watford, to name but a few.

Explain your problem, arrange a demo, listen, and decide. If they don't have an A-S700 to demo then make efforts to take your own amp along (I can almost guarantee they will have the Marantz and NAD on demo). Only way to find out and good luck.


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