Are any of these amplifiers worth buying?


New member
Aug 10, 2019

Basically I am newbie to the world of vinyl and turntables and am in the process of setting up my first turntable setup. I have got the turntable (a Dual 505-1) and am looking at a few intergrated amps on ebay at the moment. I'm just looking for some feedback on which one of these is worth buying. Here are the links:

Now I know you will all say buy a NAD or Rotel or something, but most of the ones I have been waiting to bid on have gone up to like £50/£60/£70 final price, excluding shipping and this is out of my budget. All of the ones I have linked are within my budget of about £30'ish, I can stretch to £35. So if you had to pick one of the above, which would it be?

Thanks for your help and time.

Best regards.
Save your money and buy something that will sound good .... you will be glad you did ... however if your looking for cheap , i owned a Technics amp very similar to this item for 10 years and i loved it .
(Technics SU-V3 Stereo Intergrated DC Class A Amplifier ) . this item is also on e bay as well as some other vintage Technics equipment at low prices . My old amp had a smooth - generous sound , very clear and capable of going loud , had an attractive appearance and was built to last . I gave mine to my mates son who is a budding hifi enthusiast , he still has it and it is in daily use ..... good hunting ..
Agreed with all that - save up a while longer and get a better amp.
Save up. None of the above are worth anything.

Actually Joel I'll be bidding on that Alba one as reckon it'll be a good upgrade from my Nait5i...
None of them. Spend a little bit more and get a Rotel RA-931 MKII or a 971 MKII. It will be worth the difference.
My buddy has this. It doesn't look as good nor sound as good as the two Rotels I mentioned (I have had them both btw).
Try a Cambridge A1 / A4 - a good start, cheap and relatively powerful with good sound for a starter system. Reliable too!
More good news, I bought a Rotel RA-820AX, a bit over budget but I have heard they are great amps:

Good snag - nice amp, nice sound, it'll work well with a load of kit and last an upgrade as well I think.
This will have the Rotel for lunch

One of these Pioneers I was watching very recently ended at just £82.00. I would have bid on it if I didn't have three amps already. There is another one, a mark I, on ebay now with a starting price of £99.00. The one linked to above has a very reasonable delivery cost too, bearing in mind the size and weight of these amps. Bear in mind these A656s are deeper than most amps (not height) so will need a deep shelf (435 mm IIRC).
yeah but in the style of Bullseye, 'Here's what you should have bought'. 😀
Sorry, but one word enters my mind regarding your Eprey List... S***E!

As has been mentioned, get the Rotel, it will boogie!
"Here's what he should have bought".

My take: respect the guy's purchase - he's on a limited budget and has landed a very impressive little amp. His budget wasn't anywhere near £100 (which is where the £88 purchase would take him to with delivery on top) and good amp or no, he's already bought one. Why deride the guy's efforts for holding out and landing a good amp on a good deal that's around where his budget stops?

Tell you what, that Pioneer might be good (not much in the English language on the web for it though I note), but for £500 delivered from the US, you could get a Sansui 917 which'll kick it's backside up and down the street. Or a Sansui pre/power that went on Ebay six months back that'd do likewise and then some. Or you could go down the Quad route, or Sugden, or some valve gear....take your pick.

It's all relative...the OP got a good amp and I think for a decent price. I hope he enjoys it.
Or he could get a massive loan or sell all his possesions and get a full on Chord or Macintosh system!

So could we!

Lets ditch our rubbish systems and get something far superior!

Enjoy the new purchase mate! Im sure youll be well happy with it!


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