Arcam Solo Mini


New member
Aug 10, 2019
What speakers to buy for my Solo Mini? Have a small living room (which is why the Solo Mini was the hifi choice) - speakers will be positioned close to a wall so need to be front ported and not Dali Lektors as they look horrid. B&W 685's look like the current choice but is the solo mini poweful enough to drive them properly. Will not listen at particularly high volumes fro fear of upsetting the neighbour. Any suggestions - Thanks
Rega RS1 stand-mount speakers for about £390 (or in Piano black or white gloss for a 10% premium).

These will match the Solo Mini really well and have quite high efficiency/sensitivity of 90db @ 8 ohms.
Monitor Audio are traditionally excellent with Arcam. Depending on budget, I would look at starting off with MA RS1's. These speakers have wonderful clarity and depth, and like most MA's will have high sensitivity. Alternatively, floorstanding speakers are generally better at low volume. For a really good compact floorstander MA's RS5 would be excellent (and my personal choice with Solo Mini).

As regards the Rega Chebby mentioned, I've never heard Rega speakers, so can't comment.
I have this set up of the Solo Mini and the B&W 685s and can recommend it. Solo Mini is plenty powerful enough - vol goes up to 73 (if I recall right) on the Mini and anything between 30-36 is a good listen - 36-45 is starting to get loud where you might start thinking about the neighbours 45-55 is loud party level! I have the speakers about 8" from a wall and they are fine at that distance - any closer and they can get a bit boomy on the bass. I have mine sitting on the Soundstyle Z2 stands - go better if your budget allows but the Z2s are fine.

I was influenced by the 685s getting great write ups and awards but also by the styling (in Cherry) - I also thought the Lektors looked like something which would come with a cheap hi-fi in Currys (no offence to anyone who has them!). With the Solo Mini on a nice solid wood stand the set up looks fantastic!
The Rega RS1s are in a league above the MA silver range of speakers. Thoroughly recommended.
igglebert:The Rega RS1s are in a league above the MA silver range of speakers. Thoroughly recommended.

Going by the recommendations of here, Regas are best partnered with punchy amps like Naim or Roksan. Arcam, although well balanced, aren't the punchiest of amps, I know from experience the synergy is wonderful with MA's.

So they may lack the individual star quality of brands like Rega and PMC etc, like Arcam, when matched well they sing.....


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