Hi everyone, just had a demo with the above equipment and I must say that to my ears, it sounded absolutely fantastic. Was playing one of my favourite cds through the Arcam and I was totally absorbed. Previously had Marantz PM6003/CD6003 with B&W 685's which sounded okay, but nothing compared to the above.
Had a chance to compare the CM1's with the B&W 685's and imho the CM1's sound so much better than the 685's and are well worth the extra £120.00. I just could not believe how much bass the CM1's were outputting, since they are smaller than the 685's.
I then had a demo of a Rotel Amplifier within the same price range as the Arcam and I didn't really like the sound.
However this is where the problem lies, because what I'm wanting ideally is to have an all in one receiver that will sound fantastic with both music and movies. The receiver will be used 80% music 20% movies.
Having listened to the Arcam, I then had a demo of the Yamaha 3900 high end receiver, with the cd player connected via the anologue inputs and the sound quality was not a patch on the Arcam's quality.
Will be having a demo of the New Marantz SR7005 / Yamaha RX-V3067 soon to see what they perform like with music, but I'm now pretty sure that they will not sound as good as the Arcam.
Any members think otherwise ?
Also, I'm looking to demo the Marantz PM7004 once my local dealer has it in stock. For Arcam & Marantz owners alike, how do they compare to each other, especially the higher end marantz models vs the higher end Arcam models.
Thanks 🙂
Had a chance to compare the CM1's with the B&W 685's and imho the CM1's sound so much better than the 685's and are well worth the extra £120.00. I just could not believe how much bass the CM1's were outputting, since they are smaller than the 685's.
I then had a demo of a Rotel Amplifier within the same price range as the Arcam and I didn't really like the sound.
However this is where the problem lies, because what I'm wanting ideally is to have an all in one receiver that will sound fantastic with both music and movies. The receiver will be used 80% music 20% movies.
Having listened to the Arcam, I then had a demo of the Yamaha 3900 high end receiver, with the cd player connected via the anologue inputs and the sound quality was not a patch on the Arcam's quality.
Will be having a demo of the New Marantz SR7005 / Yamaha RX-V3067 soon to see what they perform like with music, but I'm now pretty sure that they will not sound as good as the Arcam.
Any members think otherwise ?
Also, I'm looking to demo the Marantz PM7004 once my local dealer has it in stock. For Arcam & Marantz owners alike, how do they compare to each other, especially the higher end marantz models vs the higher end Arcam models.
Thanks 🙂