I currently have a alpha 10 & P35 bi-amped to a pair of Spendor speakers. I wanted to know if I can add a 2nd P35 and use the alpha 10 purely as a pre-amp, one P35 for treble and the other for bass duties.
Technically yes, though you may need an RCA splitter on the 10 to feed two power amps. If it were me though, I'd save the pennies for a dedicated pre amp and then add the second P35 at the same time.
yes you can and no need for a splitter - you just daisy chain the power amps so alpha 10 to inputs on p35 then use p35 outputs to link to next p35 - i run two p35s bi amped using a mf pre amp - sounds great
yep and also had lengthy discussions with arcam on the subject - would have prefered the mono way as you only need one set of internconnects so works out cheaper - not a massive amount in it
also if you choose to try it the mono way don't push the mono links in fully as they are shaped a little and when pushed right in doesn't connect and leaves both amps muted - speaking from experience thought mine were both faulty until after 30 mins on phone to arcam they suddenly remembered after talking me through all my wiring and fault finding to make all wired up correctly - was very frustrating and was nearly at point of calling shop to complaine - bad design if you ask me as every onther plugs/connector ever had should be pushed fully in!!!