Arcam AVR350 with Alpha 10 Integrated


New member
Jun 5, 2008
Hi all. I just upgraded my system with the dacmagic 2 mk2. Now I have oppo 981 connected to the dac and then to the arcam with direct mode.

The upgrade on the sound was really big. Now I would like a little more!!

How about the arcam alpha 10? Would it be a big difference to my arcam avr350? Is there any chance I can use both amplifiers? One as a power...

Thank you
I will be a little more specific...I would like to know if I can bi-amp my front speakers with the arcam avr350 and the arcam alpha 10 integrated.

Also, would like to know your opinion if I will get a much better result for stereo with both amps.

Thank you very much
I'm sorry I can't help you on the 'bi-amp' part of your question, but I have heard the Alpha 10 and was very underwhelmed. I found it to have a bland sound, with not much in the way of detail.

I think you could get a much better amp for the money.
So any suggestions on which amp I could use with arcam avr350 ?

Only for the stereo job...and a vintage one, so I can find it cheap on ebay.

Thank you
Well, depending on how vintage you want to go a few that I think are blinders are:

1. Audiolab 8000A

2. Techniks SU-460

3. Pretty much any Quad that you can get your hands on.

4. And, last of all, my own amp, the Cyrus 2 (but only with the PSX)

All of these amps have exceptional detail levels, but 1,2 and 4 won't suit you if your like a warm sound, in which case I would point you towards the Quad stuff, which is also excellent, but with a little more bass.


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