arcam a19 vs a38 vs hegel h80 kef r300 difference for normal listening also irdac vs cd37


New member
Mar 23, 2014

I want to buy a amplifier, does anybody know ever heard the difference with kef r series

Arcam a19 + kef r300 + irdac + blu ray player/pc

Arcam a38 + kef r300 + irdac + blu ray player/pc

Hegel h80 + kef 300 + build in dac hegel h80 + blu rayplayer/pc

Any of you could tell me te differcence of arcam a19 and a38 with kef r100/300

And the difference of cd37 vs irdac

And the difference of cd8200 and cd37

And the difference of cd8200 with in build dac vs irdac

I'm doubing between all options above, its a kind of puzzle!

Greets 8)

It depends how much coin you want to spend? If you are serious about the KEF R100's then the Arcam A19 is a fine choice. Everything else you mentioned electronic wise is a big step up in my opinion and deserves better speakers.

Two weeks ago I heard the Hegel H80 for the first time and was blown away by it. The integrated amp part of the Hegel is at least on par with the Arcam A38 if not better. The Hegel's internal DAC is better in my opinion than the Arcam irdac.

The Arcam CD37 is another story as it also plays SACD's and I am sure it is as good as the Hegel's internal DAC of not better. The CD37 is also better that the Arcam's irdac.

So bottom line is to buy the Arcam A19 with KEF R100's and save some money OR get the Hegel/Transport/ KEF R300's or better OR the Arcam A38/CD37/ with theKEF R300's or better.

The Hegel does have USB inputs you can play music files directly from your PC into it its DAC. I heard the H80 hooked up to B&W's new CM10's and an old Theta CD transport. The sound was really good!

You can't go wrong with the Arcam combo though. That A38 is also very nice sounding. Plus Arcam always seems to match up well with KEF speakers. Keep in mind though that the Arcam CD37 has no digital inputs or USB should you want to play music files. The Hegel and Arcam irdac give you more flexibility.

Good luck and let us know what you decide.
Good advice from Happy above.

I have the A38 with some Kef R100s and am very satisfied with the sound. I listened to the A19 at home in my system after buying it for my Dad (thought I better quality check it first 🙂 ) and whilst I was mightily impressed, it doesn't grip the speakers in the same way as it's big brother. A38 Dynamics are far more realistic, soundstage is a bit bigger and more accurate and it is also a lot more detailed.

However, the differences between the A28 I used to have and the A19 were less obvious making the A19 a bit of a bargain!

The R300s are bigger boxes with a larger bass driver so the difference in between speakers will be limited to further reaching bass and possibly more accurate midrange than the R100s.

Did try Hegel H80 & H100.. these are wonderfull amps [ on my shortlist too] sounds more than their price tag says

I'm not a cable freak but these amps really sound better with better interconnects and also Arcam rDac sounds better with proper PSU

I would go with H80 and R300 ( or R500) 🙂
I'm interested in the hegel h80 where have you guys managed to get demos of them? I haven't managed to find any stockists in the uk who stocks these.

i would really appreciate it if anyone could give a heads up.
I actually found the Hegel H80 cold, dry sounding and lacking a bit of musicality, compared to the Naim 5si. The Naim 5si has more drive and authority than the Hegel IMO. If you like a clinical sound, then go for the Hegel. If you like a richer sound with more drive and authority then go with the Naim.
csq2 said:
I actually found the Hegel H80 cold, dry sounding and lacking a bit of musicality, compared to the Naim 5si. The Naim 5si has more drive and authority than the Hegel IMO. If you like a clinical sound, then go for the Hegel. If you like a richer sound with more drive and authority then go with the Naim.

this is interesting.. I did not compare directly 5i to H80 but we did weird - at first - thing and compared H100 with - costing much more - Accuphase E460 and as good as 460 looks H100 sounds.. me and the dealer as well as 2 people in store were in little shock.. speakers used - vienna acoustics..
markiedee said:
I'm interested in the hegel h80 where have you guys managed to get demos of them? I haven't managed to find any stockists in the uk who stocks these.

i would really appreciate it if anyone could give a heads up.

Anyone else noticed two new members suddenly posting about the Hegel h80? I'd never heard of it until now. I might be wrong, but just seems a bit of a coincidence?

I am not a new member here number 1 and number 2 I heard the Hegel H80 about two weeks ago and I really thought it was a great amp. Is that a crime? I find your insinuation more than a little weird and actually insulting. Do you think we all work for Hegel or something?

As for the other guy csq2 touting how awesome the Nait 5 is over the Hegel in all the posts I wonder if he really has heard it before? His description of the H80 being "cold" and "clinical" sounding is not my experience at all nor anyone else on here that has heard it before nor do those descriptions turn up in any of the reviews of it.

You may very well prefer the Naim Nait 5 over the Hegel. You know what? That's just fine, but you're not going to win some imaginary contest here because the Hegel is equally as good or better to many other peoples ears.
If that comment was directed at me also I'm going to let you know iam not a new member either, I've had an interest in hegel products for some time stemming from the h70 which I've asked info on when I've read threads from people who's managed to get demos of there products.

If they were readily available to demo in the uk I wouldn't ask where people demoed them on here.
Ive bought kef r300 + arcam a19 and irdac, sounds similar to cd37. It is stunning! Great depth and music is wide holographic 3d.

It's so relaxed and rich sounding. I like it a lot. :cheers:

Thank you very very much for youre comments!
Dudes, the comment was regarding new members. If you are not a new member,then it wasn't regarding yourselves.two people had joined in the last two weeks and posted about this amp.just seemed suspicious to my tired paranoid mind. There is every chance everything was innocent...I was just questioning as the coincidence was definitely there.
I see the confusion......when I said two posts,I didn't mean on the same thread.two separate threads regarding this amp appeared at the same time....both by new members. I'm aware it could be totally innocent and just a coincidence tho.
The hegel h80 sounded great with more body than arcam a19, but arcam a19 sounded sweeter in my ears. More into the highs.

Than I listened to the arcam irdac, my feeling was it was just a little bit ritcher then the hegel h80 dac.

Also the option for de headphone and diversity of the irdac was great.

The cd37 player was not greater sounding on arcam a19 than irdac, maybe for arcam a38 its better.

I haven't listen to arcam a38 it was out of store.

But I'm very happy with my system now. More details bigger soudstage clean tight bass, wich is not boomy at all.

Vocals are clean and neutral. Great system! :bounce: 8)
renokki said:
The hegel h80 sounded great with more body than arcam a19, but arcam a19 sounded sweeter in my ears. More into the highs.

Than I listened to the arcam irdac, my feeling was it was just a little bit ritcher then the hegel h80 dac.

Also the option for de headphone and diversity of the irdac was great.

The cd37 player was not greater sounding on arcam a19 than irdac, maybe for arcam a38 its better.

I haven't listen to arcam a38 it was out of store.

But I'm very happy with my system now. More details bigger soudstage clean tight bass, wich is not boomy at all.

Vocals are clean and neutral. Great system! :bounce: 8)

The detail of the Arcam into the high frequencies, without being bright, is one of the things I really like of this amplifier.

Did you get to autition the R100? I wonder how they differ from the R300 with the Arcam A19.
I guess he's talking about me. Yes, I'm a new member and I was thinking of buying either Arcam A19 or Creek Evo 50A. I listened to Hegel80 and it was far better than the Arcam (I didn't listen to Creek after I liked Hegel a lot) and I wanted to write my thoughts about a great amp. Major dealers in Turkey sell them so it's just another hi-fi firm for me, nothing else. I understand they don't sell them in the UK.
The H80 is excellent for the money , but it could sound warmer and richer. If you're getting the H80, be sure to pair it with warm sounding speakers and cables. I listened to the H80 with PMC and they sound too cold and clinical together. Might sound better withKEF or Q Acoustics.
Hey obsid, yeah, you were the other postee I was referring to.but I am sorry if I was wrong, it was 3 in the morning when I read the posts,and was tired, and was struck by the coincidence. But I a guess it really was just that. A coincidence. Sorry!
They have more detail instruments variabele/bass better seperated. Its 3way against two way. Also listened to r500 and r700 the sound was more similar to r300 bass is great
radiorog said:
Hey obsid, yeah, you were the other postee I was referring to.but I am sorry if I was wrong, it was 3 in the morning when I read the posts,and was tired, and was struck by the coincidence. But I a guess it really was just that. A coincidence. Sorry!

It's ok. I can say the negatives as well. H80 doesn't have a headphone jack. I don't care about it, but some people may. There's no preamp output either so you can't use it with a power amp. The sound is phenomenal though, and if I cared about those, I wouldn't have bought the amp despite the sound.
Hegel h80 + kef r300 = more on the warmer side little bit bigger in de bass control more analoge. Space is more out of the midrange.
Arcam a19 + irdac + kef r300 = more on the opener side little bit more analytical bass, also lesser analoge sound. Space is more open and seperated.

If youve got a more open bigger room no damping sphere than take the hegel h80. It's basscontrol is lesser analytical, but also a little bit bigger more body.
Ive got a more damping room so I've taken the arcam a19.

Don't get me wrong but the space were you live in is very important. Kef r300 needs some air around. 8)

For the money the synergie is great for arcam a19 + kef r300 and youve got more options.

Differences aren't that big!

5si is just a little bit more livier than the other ones. But lesser soundstage!

It's just depending on what you like most.

It now all comes down from were youre placing the r300's
I had for 1 year an arcam fmj a38 (whit monitor audio rx8) , now i bought an hegel h80 after three months listening an h70, i don't know if the match with kef it's good macth, but i can suggest this ampli doubtless.

Now i have Hegel h80, chario 530, sony s790, asus pc and i'm very happy.

Bye from Italy. :wave: :wave: :wave:


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