Anti-static record inner sleeves, worth it?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
The cheapest I've seen is about £15 plus delivery for 50, are they worth it or not, seems a pricey for what is essentially a thin plastic bag.........
Yes, they're great. Some record inners are reasonable quality anyway, but with those that just come with a card liner I think they're obligatory. A certain auction site has quite a lot at marginally cheaper prices - search for 'nagaoka'
Thanks John,

Will have a look, the reason I ask is that I purchased a brand new copy of DSOTM which had so much static that my felt platter mat clung to it with the strengh of an industrial magnet.

I placed it into an anti-static liner for a few days with no effect whatsoever and was still very attracted to the felt mat, and was only cured with a dip in the good old Knosti which got rid of all the static..........
I bought a load of the Naga ones, I think hey reduce static build up as apposed to discharging charged discs, I put my records in one after a clean in the antistat, keeps them clean and have not had any more static issues whether that is the knosti or the liners im not sure.
Agreed, they prevent static buildup but won't get rid of static that's there already. I use a carbon fibre brush to do that (record spinning with my finger on the spindle to earth myself).
(record spinning with my finger on the spindle to earth myself)

That's a good idea John, never thought of that............


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