Amp in the short term...


New member
Aug 25, 2007
Hi Everyone.

Ok, another post about an amp for my SA1's if you dont mind obliging me with your thoughts. Ideally in the future i would like to own something like the ATC SA2-150 or even the Leema Tucana. However, until serious funds are accumulated i am going to treat myself to a cheapish second hand amp off ebay as i'm bored (and clearly a bit lazy) with not having a remote, and would like just one box instead of two as well.

Budgeting around the price range of 300 s/hand i have been keeping my eye out for a Rotel 1062 (decided on this due to great reviews and comments from owners after researching various other amps around 600 - 1000 mark when new). I have also seen the more powerful 1070 as well so may also bid on that. As of course the SA 1's are a notoriously difficult load and that should cope better.

Can anyone think of a reason why this might be a horrible idea and whether i should keep hold on the LInn's still (power amp i think is quite good, intek integrated as a pre not so good and no remote) or any other alternatives?

Room is 3m x 3m, other equipment below, and listen to rock and piano music mostly, also some electronic. Sound i'm after is fast and pacey, dynamic etc, but also has a natural sound, detail, and a soft touch when required (am i asking for too much? lol).
The Rotel is an excellent idea. I used the SA1s with the older RA03. The result was a very nice, punchy, musical and open sound but it lacked a bit in detail and bass definition. Still, for the money, say £250 used, it's a lot of performance with the baby Spens. The Rotels you're suggesting have a better midrange and bass definition.

Just for the record, the SA1s are an easy load on an amp but need some volts to get the volume. Given that they're generally used in small rooms, volume isn't a big problem.
Thanks Igglebert once again, thats very helpful.

And i understand now what you mean about the volts for the volume, i think. Either way, indeed its a small room and i never get the volume past 10 o'clock when im listening to CD's, its just too loud any higher.
Thought i'd add a quick update to this.

I manged to get my hands on a s/hand Rotel 1062 over the weekend. And i got to listen to it in earnest for a few hours on sunday (on in the back ground right now too) and i must say it is a massive improvement over my old Linn combo. I thought the Intek might be a bit rubbish and after listening to the Rotel i find that thought to be very true. Its a revelation. What a cracking little amp, and for not a lot of money second hand too. Bargain!

While i am here i cant resist asking if an upgrade in speaker cable would be worth while. Not to change anything bad in the sound, just if there is more to be gained by changing it. The cable i currently have was given to me so im not even sure what it is, but it is 20 years old, and quite flat and not that thick, looks silver coated as well, but basic looking stuff basically.

Been looking at Chord Odysessy and the like, are there any opions on whether i could get more out of my system? Which by the way, i am really happy with at that moment, its sounds marvellous. Obviously this might suggest not to change anything as im happy, but if i can get more out of it i would like to.

Many thanks.
I use Chord Odyssey 2 with my SA1s and it's superb. Adds a real zing to the treble and seems to be more than adequate to deliver the power to the speakers! Buy without hesitation
igglebert:I use Chord Odyssey 2 with my SA1s and it's superb. Adds a real zing to the treble and seems to be more than adequate to deliver the power to the speakers! Buy without hesitation

Thanks. I might just ask for them for Christmas then. Although i may attempt to make my own. I have just found an interesting article about making speaker cable from bits and bobs purchased from Maplins. Seems straight forward and cheap enough to have some fun with, and it might just do the trick. I would post the link but not sure on forum rules about it.
plastic penguin:Any of the Chord cables are cracking.

You need to cook them properly

Boil for about 10mins, ensure you put into boiling water, not simmering. If overcooked they sound very soft.

plastic penguin:Any of the Chord cables are cracking.

You need to cook them properly

Boil for about 10mins, ensure you put into boiling water, not simmering. If overcooked they sound very soft.

Well, that's drummerman sorted, what about the cables?