Amp for Focal Chorus 714V Floorstanders


Without knowing your budget, musical preferences it's difficult to pin any specific makes. However, avoid bright sounding amps, but look at Class 'A', valve or any amp that doesn't subscribe to harshness (Marantz, Arcam, Creek, Roksan Kandy).


Well-known member
Feb 18, 2014
plastic penguin said:

Without knowing your budget, musical preferences it's difficult to pin any specific makes. However, avoid bright sounding amps, but look at Class 'A', valve or any amp that doesn't subscribe to harshness (Marantz, Arcam, Creek, Roksan Kandy).

Sorry, at the third attempt at posting it has only posted half of my first sentence maybe it's my iphone? :) So hope all this comes through....

Afetr purchasing the Focal's at 50% discount this week I've paired them up with my old Harman Kardon HK630 amd and HK750 CD player. I can't help thinking that the bass is to harsh and I prefer a warmer sound with softer bass at higher volumes. I listen to alot of 70's/80's rock, pop and electronic and world music plus Jean Michelle Jarre. My udget is £200 (not much I know!) for a used/new amp which i might possibly stretch a bit if there's a clear advantage. There's lots of Nads (3020, 7020e etc), Rotel's (ra-04, ra1060) arcam's, Roksan (ka-1 mk3) etc on eay but I haven't heard any of these before. I have a marantz NR1603 receiver in the other room with B&W cinema setup which i like, but wondered what alternatives there were for a straight Hifi amp? Would also be interested in people's opinions of the HK's? Is ther any particular Arcam etc model I should be looking at? Thx :)
S'okay - a lot of people have problems posting on here, including yours truly.

Not heard HKs, so can't comment on the sound signature. But having heard 714V and previous Chorus 714S they are fantastic with Arcam. But it really boils down to how much you want to spend (brand or s/hand)

I'd avoid Rotel, Cyrus, Leema, Naim or any amp that's likely to provoke fatigue.

Look at Arcam A18 or A19, Creek Evo2 (s/hand) or the newer incarnation. Roksan kandy LIII or K2 would worth hearing, as would Marantz 6005.


New member
Jun 8, 2013
I've tried a Denon 720 with my Focal 714's - it punches well about its price point. I have a Yam AS1000, which works well witn the focals, brings out the good points - airy spacious vocals - and tames thier forwardness. But the Denon isn't that far behind - great amp.


Well-known member
Feb 18, 2014
Thanks for the feedback! Quick questions - Is the Arcam A18 a far inferior product to the A19? Is the Yamaha AS300 or AS500 recommended in lieu of the AS1000? The Denon 720ae is an unbelievable bargain right now! What about the Marantz PM15004 vs the 6005 and the rest? Will be auditioning some hopefully tomorrow and this coming week.


New member
Jun 8, 2013
I've heard both the A18 and A19. The A 18 failed to excite or impress, whereas the A19 put a smile on my face straight away. The A 18 just seemed to lack any joy, whereas the A19 just took me into the music.

I've not heard the Yam AS300 or 500, but from what I can gather, they are not in the same sonic stable as the AS1000; I believe they can be a bit in your face.

I like teh Denon/Focal synergy - I believe Richer Sounds are doing Focals now - can you get a dem of the PM720 with the 714's?

Hope this helps.


New member
Jun 8, 2013
Yes, Marantz 6005 would be worth investuigating with the Focals.

Let us know how you got on.
Dreamweaver4 said:
Thanks for the feedback! Quick questions - Is the Arcam A18 a far inferior product to the A19? Is the Yamaha AS300 or AS500 recommended in lieu of the AS1000? The Denon 720ae is an unbelievable bargain right now! What about the Marantz PM15004 vs the 6005 and the rest? Will be auditioning some hopefully tomorrow and this coming week.

I've heard the A18 but not the 19. Had a dem with usher, Linn and PMC speakers and it's pretty good. Slightly more detail and clarity than the A65+ but it didn't *for some reason* engauge as I would like. That said, personally speaking, the A65+ is still one of the best pound-for-pound amps Arcam have made - and I've heard most (and owned a couple).


Well-known member
Feb 18, 2014
Well, after a week of manflu I finally made it to Richer Sounds for a demo.....Started with the Marantz 6005 coupled to an Arcam CD player. which gave a warm and safe sound, taming the bass and into the comfort zone. OK so far so good. Then I tried the Cambridge Audio 651A which sounded livelier, but appeared to still tame the bass somewhat. I was also very impressed with the build quality here which was rock solid compared to the Marantz. Then came the Denon 720AE, which sounded again, warm and safe. I felt it was a bit more reserved than the CA 651A but absolutely fabulous for £150!! finally I asked to hear the Arcam A19. OMG! I was so taken aback at the ability of the 19 at not only taming the bass but also at the vocal clarity and detail it was brining out. So, now a problem - Arcam A19 clearly took my breath away but I could get the Cambridge Audio 651 AND CD player for the price of the A19. Solution? A quick walk to think things through, a re-look at my finances and some jiggery pokery later - on the assumption that I am going to keep this for a very long time (as I kept my last Harman Kardon separates for 10 years), I decided to go for the ARCAM A19 plus the CD17 cd player. I really felt that once i had heard the sound produced from these two then it would be difficult to accept anything less, even thouogh it cost more. Pure listening pleasure, especially with the Focal's. I am now going to sell my HK's and forgo a couple of other things I was planning to buy for the home for 6-12 months to help fund this purchase, but I know it's worth it in the long run. Thank you for your guidance and suggestions! :)
Dreamweaver4 said:
Well, after a week of manflu I finally made it to Richer Sounds for a demo.....Started with the Marantz 6005 coupled to an Arcam CD player. which gave a warm and safe sound, taming the bass and into the comfort zone. OK so far so good. Then I tried the Cambridge Audio 651A which sounded livelier, but appeared to still tame the bass somewhat. I was also very impressed with the build quality here which was rock solid compared to the Marantz. Then came the Denon 720AE, which sounded again, warm and safe. I felt it was a bit more reserved than the CA 651A but absolutely fabulous for £150!! finally I asked to hear the Arcam A19. OMG! I was so taken aback at the ability of the 19 at not only taming the bass but also at the vocal clarity and detail it was brining out. So, now a problem - Arcam A19 clearly took my breath away but I could get the Cambridge Audio 651 AND CD player for the price of the A19. Solution? A quick walk to think things through, a re-look at my finances and some jiggery pokery later - on the assumption that I am going to keep this for a very long time (as I kept my last Harman Kardon separates for 10 years), I decided to go for the ARCAM A19 plus the CD17 cd player. I really felt that once i had heard the sound produced from these two then it would be difficult to accept anything less, even thouogh it cost more. Pure listening pleasure, especially with the Focal's. I am now going to sell my HK's and forgo a couple of other things I was planning to buy for the home for 6-12 months to help fund this purchase, but I know it's worth it in the long run. Thank you for your guidance and suggestions! :)

Nice one - I've always liked Focal/Arcam combo, but I haven't heard the A19. IME Arcam's textured midrange is the key to how they sound with Focal and MAs.

Enjoy the music.


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