Well, after a week of manflu I finally made it to Richer Sounds for a demo.....Started with the Marantz 6005 coupled to an Arcam CD player. which gave a warm and safe sound, taming the bass and into the comfort zone. OK so far so good. Then I tried the Cambridge Audio 651A which sounded livelier, but appeared to still tame the bass somewhat. I was also very impressed with the build quality here which was rock solid compared to the Marantz. Then came the Denon 720AE, which sounded again, warm and safe. I felt it was a bit more reserved than the CA 651A but absolutely fabulous for £150!! finally I asked to hear the Arcam A19. OMG! I was so taken aback at the ability of the 19 at not only taming the bass but also at the vocal clarity and detail it was brining out. So, now a problem - Arcam A19 clearly took my breath away but I could get the Cambridge Audio 651 AND CD player for the price of the A19. Solution? A quick walk to think things through, a re-look at my finances and some jiggery pokery later - on the assumption that I am going to keep this for a very long time (as I kept my last Harman Kardon separates for 10 years), I decided to go for the ARCAM A19 plus the CD17 cd player. I really felt that once i had heard the sound produced from these two then it would be difficult to accept anything less, even thouogh it cost more. Pure listening pleasure, especially with the Focal's. I am now going to sell my HK's and forgo a couple of other things I was planning to buy for the home for 6-12 months to help fund this purchase, but I know it's worth it in the long run. Thank you for your guidance and suggestions!