Amp & CD Player for MA RS6


New member
May 10, 2009
I currently have a pair of MA RS6's partnered with a Marantz CD6002 & PM6002 & have never been entirely happy with the system.

I really like the speakers & intend to keep them so am looking for advice on an amp & speaker upgrade.

Ideally I'd like to stick with one manufacturer for both products & have a budget of around £1000, any advice on what I should short list which would compliment the speakers ?
Upgrade the amp but keep the CD player and add a good quality DAC like the Musical Fidelity V-DAC, Beresford, or Dac-Magic. That way you'll get much better performance from your CD player but also be able to take advantage of the DAC to play lossless files from your computer should you wish to investigate this path in the future.
I currently have a pair of MA RS6's partnered with a Marantz CD6002 & PM6002 & have never been entirely happy with the system.

I really like the speakers & intend to keep them so am looking for advice on an amp & speaker upgrade.

Ideally I'd like to stick with one manufacturer for both products & have a budget of around £1000, any advice on what I should short list which would compliment the speakers ?

Why do you like the speakers?
I currently have a pair of MA RS6's partnered with a Marantz CD6002 & PM6002 & have never been entirely happy with the system.

I really like the speakers & intend to keep them so am looking for advice on an amp & speaker upgrade.

Ideally I'd like to stick with one manufacturer for both products & have a budget of around £1000, any advice on what I should short list which would compliment the speakers ?

I think your speakers (Drummerman will disagree) need better than the Marantz pairing. For that budget, I would see if you can find a RS that still has the Cambridge Audio 840A v1 at £399 (was £750). I drive my RS6s with this amp and it's a great match. If you want to stick with the one brand, and can go just a little over your budget, I would get the 840C or if you can't afford that, the 740C. Both cd players have digital inputs so you can use the internal DACs to connect a computer, Sat box, dvd player etc.,
I currently have a pair of MA RS6's partnered with a Marantz CD6002 & PM6002 & have never been entirely happy with the system.

I really like the speakers & intend to keep them so am looking for advice on an amp & speaker upgrade.

Ideally I'd like to stick with one manufacturer for both products & have a budget of around £1000, any advice on what I should short list which would compliment the speakers ?

I think your speakers (Drummerman will disagree) need better than the Marantz pairing ...

Not necesseraly. I'm just wondering what the op likes about them. I assume he hasn't tried other systems with his speakers so I was just a bit puzzled about the statement. Perhaps he likes the look of them ...

Anyway, Arcam's A38 seemed to match fine.
What don't you like about the current setup?

I use RS6s with Marantz 7001Ki and I am fairly happy. Not many of those around anymore but PM8003 is the replacement. I'd also say keep the CDP and get a new amp.ÿ
I just think the current set up can be a bit harsh at times & seems to be lacking something - cant quite explain ! It seems to be fine with some music but struggles with indie rock type of stuff.

As for why to keep the current speakers - probably the wrong reason but I like the look of them & they fit in with my room.
Marantz and RS6's are not the greatest of partners. . . .I love Marantz but I would not swap my Arcam with my M.A.

Creek, Arcam and Roksan Caspian are the best matches. Although this is a little tricky because room accoustics play a huge part too.

Cyrus with a slightly insipid CD player also makes a good match. RS's do demonstrate deficiencies to fatigue-proned amps like Naim or Marantz.
Roksan K2 amp with Musical Fidelity VDAC. As Matt said above, try the VDAC first and then decide whether you think you need the K2.
igglebert:Roksan K2 amp with Musical Fidelity VDAC. As Matt said above, try the VDAC first and then decide whether you think you need the K2.

I'm not sure a DAC is the answer - course, he can try one out, but a DAC will give better expression and dynamic range, although I don't think it will tame the Marantz sufficiently. . . .
plastic penguin:
igglebert:Roksan K2 amp with Musical Fidelity VDAC. As Matt said above, try the VDAC first and then decide whether you think you need the K2.

I'm not sure a DAC is the answer - course, he can try one out, but a DAC will give better expression and dynamic range, although I don't think it will tame the Marantz sufficiently. . . .

...indeed, bring on the Roksan K2...
plastic penguin:
Marantz and RS6's are not the greatest of partners. . . .I love Marantz but I would not swap my Arcamÿwith my M.A.


Disagree - love my Ki with MAs.ÿ

plastic penguin:

Creek, Arcam and Roksan Caspian are the best matches. Although this is a little tricky becauseÿroom accoustics play a huge part too.

Cyrus with a slightly insipid CD player also makes a good match. RS'sÿdo demonstrateÿdeficiencies to fatigue-proned amps like Naim or Marantz.


No kidding, 750 quid amp will surely sound better than a 250 quid one! (reference to K2)
I currently have a pair of MA RS6's partnered with a Marantz CD6002 & PM6002 & have never been entirely happy with the system.

I really like the speakers & intend to keep them so am looking for advice on an amp & speaker upgrade.

Ideally I'd like to stick with one manufacturer for both products & have a budget of around £1000, any advice on what I should short list which would compliment the speakers ?

See my signature setup for RS6, and it's very good. Keep the cdp and get PM7001KI and your worries are over.
I just think the current set up can be a bit harsh at times & seems to be lacking something - cant quite explain ! It seems to be fine with some music but struggles with indie rock type of stuff.

As for why to keep the current speakers - probably the wrong reason but I like the look of them & they fit in with my room.

Unfortunately the problem is the speakers. If you like the look so much, then live with what you've got and wait until you find another pair you really like - but give them a listening test with the rest of your equipment before you buy
the budget end Marantz are very good but are on bright side of things. if this isnt to you liking then i would certainly try changing the amp to Arcam or Roksan which may help tame things a little
plastic penguin:
Marantz and RS6's are not the greatest of partners. . . .I love Marantz but I would not swap my Arcamÿwith my M.A.


Disagree - love my Ki with MAs.ÿ

plastic penguin:

Creek, Arcam and Roksan Caspian are the best matches. Although this is a little tricky becauseÿroom accoustics play a huge part too.

Cyrus with a slightly insipid CD player also makes a good match. RS'sÿdo demonstrateÿdeficiencies to fatigue-proned amps like Naim or Marantz.


No kidding, 750 quid amp will surely sound better than a 250 quid one! (reference to K2)

But the OP has 6002s and not KIs. I agree that your KI is a good amp.

Creek Evo is a very good match for RS6s. I've not listened to the cdp but I had the amp with my RS6s.
Thanks for all the feedback.

I will certainly demo the K2 & 840.

On the subject of Roksan I have found the previous model to the K2 - The Kandy LIII amp & CD Mk3 for £77 as an offer online.

Would this be a good match as it does seem to represent good value for money ?
Try Audiolab, I currently run 8000Q and 2 8000P's bi-amped, you could get that lot for around a grand. Im always impressed with my system and recently added Chord odyssey cable which made the sound smooth (for lack of better word) and not fatiguing.

There is plenty of power on tap and the dynamics aregood, I have not found any music that causes it to stumble.

Interestingly I use one 8000P per speaker rather than one driving HF and one LF after advice from MA.

Just my thoughts....


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