Amp and CDP on top of each other?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I have a hi fi system that sits under my TV, as the tv stand has only one shelf, I have had to stack my Audiolab components on top of each other, is this ok?
If the CDP is solid, put the amp on top of the CDP and you'll be fine. This will actually help with CDP micro vibration and will allow the amp to have ventiallation on the top. If you put the CDP on the amp, you could over heat the amp.
Surely not ? the CD spinning is going to cause vibration no matter what... I'd at least get some sort of isolation (if only an ugly bit of 18mm MDF) between them...
The amp will generate a lot more heat than the CD player, and as warm air rises, it would make sense to put the amp on top of the CD player. Moreover, the ventilation holes in the amp case's top won't be obstructed.

As an alternative, you could try doing what I did for my grandfather a few months back. His TV sits on top of a kind of drinks cabinet piece of furniture. I went to B&Q and bought a piece of melamine board, precut and finished on all edges (they call them shelves) and four RIGID door stops. I screwed the rigid door stops to the corners of the shelf piece and made a little table with about 2 1/2 to 3 inches underneath it. His DVD player sits underneath and his new 42-inch LCD TV sits on top the shelf. I'm going to do the same tomorrow for my bedroom TV and DVD and I'll post a picture if I can figure out how.
Id like to see pictures of this Darren as I could do with something similar myself!! If you have any problem posting pics Ill do my best to show you how.
Will be at B&Q tomorrow morning. Flowers and cards c/o Ward ?, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary.....
Stack them, turn the power on, turn the volume right up. Listen for hum or interference. Now turn the CD player off. If hum/interference existed and then goes away, you know how much of a problem it is...
have read somewhere that if you place a brick ontop of your cdp, the sound produced is much better ... if this is the case, then a heavy amp ontop of the cdp will be just as good if not better?
dim_span:have read somewhere that if you place a brick ontop of your cdp, the sound produced is much better ... if this is the case, then a heavy amp ontop of the cdp will be just as good if not better?

When my Sky HD box crashed again this AM I was tempted to put a breeze block or twelve on top of it......
dim_span:have read somewhere that if you place a brick ontop of your cdp, the sound produced is much better ... if this is the case, then a heavy amp ontop of the cdp will be just as good if not better?

Attention attention.......All owners of top loaders please ignore this tip or advice.
bobbyg81:Id like to see pictures of this Darren as I could do with something similar myself!! If you have any problem posting pics Ill do my best to show you how.

42 quid all in. 4 x brass rigid door stops @ 8 quid each, 24-inch wide pre-finished shelf @ 9 quid and a 1 quid bag of screws. The gap under the shelf is three inches. B&Q has metal furniture legs starting at 2 quid each so you could do this for as little as 20 quid.

20 minutes to assemble.




As I said, I did the same thing for my grandfather and he's got a 42 inch LCD TV on his.
Thanks for all the help guys, you have given me some ideas. As I really need another shelf, I am looking at the possibility of constructing a black glass shelf on legs, very similar to what Darren has made.


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