amp and cd to match eb1 speakers


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Sorry, I posted this in the wrong section previously.

I'm about to update my old hifi system, which is 15-20 years old. After reading reviews of EB1 speakers I plan to give them a try. But which CD players and amps would sound best with them?

I have a budget of between around £2,000 inc the speakers but could go higher.

I'd also like the amp to be able to run a second set of speakers in the kitchen.

Has anyone got any ideas please?

I'd suggest getting a pair of the EB1 speakers on the home trial and taking them to a dealer to audition amps and CDPs. It's really the only way to get the balance right. The obvious kit to try would be Cyrus, Roksan, Creek and Arcam.


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