Album Artwork Questions


Well-known member
Feb 8, 2008
Hi again all,

The NAS is set up and slowly being filled with my music collection.

My questions are, how is album artwork added to the folders when ripping, if at all? I am encoding to FLAC and then dropping the albums onto the NAS, but there does not appear to be any album art so far. Perhaps the artwork shows up when the track is processed by the music player?

It would be nice to have a library that showed a picture of the album cover on the respective music folder, is this possible?

Is software available to import artwork enmasse?
Rip using latest version of EAC , scan for art possible and can save to containing folder or embedd in the file.
What program are you ripping the cds with?

I swear by DB poweramp, as far as album art goes it will find the artwork automatically unless its something really obscure, in which case you can manually add it, then it will embed the pic in the file and save a copy to the folder, so the pic should show in your playback software and appear on the file folder.

I'm using a Linux based machine and currently using Rubyripper. I'm having some issues with its speed, so will be trying to dual boot with XP to use EAC. EAC does not (unfortunately) run under Wine at present.

Looks like most of the good rippers are windows based, which is a trick sorely missed with Linux at the moment.
Overdose said:
I'm using a Linux based machine and currently using Rubyripper. I'm having some issues with its speed, so will be trying to dual boot with XP to use EAC. EAC does not (unfortunately) run under Wine at present.

Looks like most of the good rippers are windows based, which is a trick sorely missed with Linux at the moment.

I'm using Ubuntu, Wine & EAC installed & it works perfectly (that's the previous version 0.99 prebeta 5). I too tried the latest one & it doesn't work, so went back. You can still download the older versions from the EAC website.

MP3 Tag works great in Wine too which I use to manually embed albumart into the Flac files.

RubyRippper, although good is TOO SLOW!
Thanks for all of your help. I sorted out the problem using EAC on a dual boot Ubuntu/XP machine. The problem was most likely a distro/Wine issue.

All works a treat and Album Art Downloader sorted out the missing album covers in bulk. Nice.

Just a few more weeks and I'll be all FLAC'd up.
I find the best album art (in terms of outright quality) is available from Album Art Exchange. Album Art Downloader used to be able to automatically download art from this site but for some reason the community there didn't like it because the art didn't get an increased hit count.

They have now placed restrictions preventing automatic downloads, meaning if you want quality art, you have to do it manually (which I do).


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