AKG 702 improvements?


New member
Feb 15, 2011
After much deliberation I bought some AKG 702s for home listening (iPod->Onkyo digital transport -> Arcam DAC -> Cyrus 8vs2 amp). I've given them several hours of running in time, but have been a little underwhelmed by the sound. It's detailed and 'well presented', just lacking a bit of oomph and excitement.

I'm considering 2 options: 1. eBay the AKGs and spend more cash on replacements. There is a slightly bewildering array of top end phones which I'd like to refine for auditioning. At the moment I've homed in on the Denon AH-D7000, Grado RS1i (or the older RS1), Beyerdynamic T5p, and Audio Technica ATH W1000X (with a preference for the latter). Grado GS1000i and Sennheiser HD 800 being out of my price range. Does anyone have any experience of these phones, and is there really a big difference between open backed versus closed designs?

The 2nd option is to keep the AKGs and invest in a Graham Slee headphone amp.

Which option is likely to deliver the greatest benefit?

Many thanks.


New member
Jun 20, 2008
The K's are a monitor headphone and as such are designed to be tonally neutral, hence your perceived lack of "oomph and excitement."

A headphone amp isn't going to change this, I'm afraid, although you would expect differences depending on the amp but I believe your Cyrus has a pretty decent headphone jack itself (is it at the back of the amp if I'm thinking correctly?)

They are something of an acquired taste and they are like Marmite; I love mine but they won't suit everybody. I think the Grado's would be a good starting point for what you're looking for but other's will have their own ideas. Good luck!


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2011
If the AKG's don't float your boat due to the lack of oomph I can't personally see the Grado's doing it for you either. I would think that the Denon's would be more in the right direction, I also wouldn't worry to much about the headphone amp. If you find the headphones with the sound you like a headphone amplifier would just be fine tuning. It is not going to drastically make a night and day difference from what you are currently using.


New member
Nov 19, 2008
Sizzers said:
A headphone amp isn't going to change this, I'm afraid, although you would expect differences depending on the amp but I believe your Cyrus has a pretty decent headphone jack itself (is it at the back of the amp if I'm thinking correctly?)

It's 3.5mm, had a hum on the Cyrus amp I had (as does the Denon DM-37). Not heard this plugging headphones into other equipment.


New member
Feb 10, 2010
I had the AKG's on my shortlist recently, but ended up buying a pair of Beyerdynamic DT880's. Unfortunately I couldn't find anywhere to audition either pair, but went with with the Beyers as I had read the AKG's are a bit light on bass for some tastes. I also have a pair of Beyer earbuds and love their sound.

I'm extremely happy with the 880's, having enough bass to give music that oomph that electronic/dance music needs, but they are also clear enough in the mid/high ranges. Priced at £200, they were the same as the AKG's.


New member
Jun 20, 2008
The K's do bass very well, it's just not thumping in your head or punching you in the face.

It's greatly detailed, exceptionally well timed, and they really work fantastically well with electronic as well. I'm currently working towards a better source for them, although I've no complaints with my Marantz they do deserve better.

I did have a look at your 880's before I bought my K's as I had a set of Beyer's over 30-years ago and they sounded fantastic. However, I couldn't get my head around the semi-open concept and as I couldn't audition them that was a non-starter. Anyway, enjoy!


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