Airport Express



It looks like your product is legit but it is the last generation wireless G version. The newer one is about £20 more and has 802.11n connectivity. I have just got the newer version, but since I only use G at home it doesn't really have much benefit atm.
I should also add it's a cracking bit of kit for the money. Try a piece of software called airfoil too, it allows you to stream non i-tunes audio to your AE - you can get a free trial version but the license is about £20. Listening to spotify on the hifi as I write this.


I got an AE last night. Not had chance to set it up. Gonna use it with Remote on my iPod Touch to listen to music in the dining room. I have also downloaded an app called Off which lets you turn off the PC remotely. I use simplify 2 to stream music to my Touch over wifi/net.


how much did it cost you and where from? if you dont mind me asking that is....


Bought mine from the apple shop in London, £79. Usually isn't too much variation in price as Apple seem to be able to keep an iron grip on retail prices.


king_rollo:Bought mine from the apple shop in London, £79. Usually isn't too much variation in price as Apple seem to be able to keep an iron grip on retail prices.

Too true (unfortunately). Even Amazon is only a few quid cheaper...

I've been looking at getting AE too and was (still am?) very confused at how it was described on some webistes: "Base Station". "With Airtunes". Etc. When I went to check the real thing in Regent Street's Apple Store, there was no such mention of "with Airtunes" on the packaging at all.


Hi Momo,

I recognise the confusion...

All AEs come with airtunes- it is simply the apple marketing term for the key feature that we are all interested ie streaming itunes to the AE. In the same way air port is simply their term for apple wireless networking.

The problem is that the AE can be set up in quite a number of ways and all this can cloud the basic point that AE + itunes = airtunes!


well, im starting to like the sound of the dacmagic and ae combo even less, i know many eg gerrardasnails says that this combo would be possibly as good as a 1k CDP but AE= 75 DAC=230 and if i want all my music in lossless format its about 80 quid for a 1tb HD due to a bad laptop! so the cost is really mounting, i suppose my AMP and speakers retail for about the price of this combo each but... credit crunch is killing me here lol


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Dec 28, 2007
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If you just want to try it out, just go for the AE unit on its own first. I have mine go direct into a pair of Epoz Actimates in my office, no DAC and it sounds great. I'm positive I can improve it with another £100 - £200 on an external DAC, but that's a tweak I can add in the future. Much like Hi-fi, these upgrades can be done in stages. If you're like me, before you know it, you'll have 3 AEs round the house and, using your iPod Touch, you'll be streaming lossless music all round your house at the touch of a few buttons!


i guess your the guys with the know how.... how would ae to my amp work? :S sorry if this is a basic or impossible to answer question :( (im an idiot you see)


Well-known member
Dec 28, 2007
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No worries, the AE has a built in DAC, so you can hook it up just using a standard 3.5mm to RCA phono connection - I'm currently using this one as I needed a 5m run and wasn't about to spend a fortune on the lead for this when I may well be upgrading to a DAC at some point.

John Duncan

Well-known member
And when I was running audio before I got a DAC, I had a...Gotham

Mr Steve

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Oct 24, 2007
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My turn for a silly question:

can the AE connect to my existing 801.11g wireless network to stream the music from the study iTunes to the amp in the lounge? (obviously depending on the signal strength / quality)

John Duncan

Well-known member
Mr Steve:
My turn for a silly question:

can the AE connect to my existing 801.11g wireless network to stream the music from the study iTunes to the amp in the lounge? (obviously depending on the signal strength / quality)

It can do other stuff as well but yes, that's one of it's main functions. Presumably your iTunes library is sitting on a wireless-enabled PC in the study? In which case just register the AE with your machine using the supplied Airport Utility, take a 3.5mm-jack-to-2xphono cable from AE to your amp, and bob's your uncle.

Just FYI, getting it running is much easier if you're using WPA rather than WEP for network security, from my experience.


If I bought one of these, would I be better off running an optical connection to a Denon 1909 rather than use a phono cable from the AE?


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