Advice sought on computer-based headphone setup


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi all,

I'm becoming very interested in computer-based setups now, because work
arrangements from September onwards mean that I'll work away from home.
So I'm seriously thinking about ripping all my music in lossless to an
external HD. I'll probably rent a room, rather than a flat, so I might
look for a headphone-based setup.

like a lot what I've read about Musical Fidelity equipment. I've heard
the V-DAC, too, and though that it sounded great! So I wonder about
getting a MF headphone amp (probably an older model) and possibly the
DAC. I'm very interested to hear from people who use them, especially
about which headphones they use with them!

How would it compare to the Beresford, used through its headphone output, I wonder?

I should say that I mostly listen to classical music and jazz,
and any comments about the suitability of such a setup for this music
would be appreciated.

Thanks a lot in advance,


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2008
Well I have recently got the Beresford DAC and it sounds pretty good in conjunction with my Grado SR60s. Certainly better than the headphone out on my old Cyrus 7 amp. It's also quite small so maybe a one box solution there??


Well-known member
Jan 2, 2008
Hi Hedgehog. Have a little read here; . There are loads of X-CANS, V2 and V3 on ebay for +/- £100. The V-DAC (£140) into that amp from a PC with Grado SR80 (£120ish) or AGK K702 (£230ish) headphones will give you loads of pleasure. The X-CANS can also be modified to improve performance and keep them going forever (valves only, as a DIY project £30 up to full mods £110 plus).

I have a small, but perfectly formed collection of classical and jazz and both sound great through my setup. If you like a bit of drive to the music, use the Grado headphones. Or you prefer to retain the warmer, detailed MF sound use the AKGs. But remember both have different fits, so long term comfort is also very important.


Thanks for this, Messiah and icd.

A very nice setup you've got, idc. Looks pretty, too, in my view.

I wonder whether you've ever listened to the X-Can v3 and can tell me how much better than the v2 it is.

Also, do you have any experience with the less expensive AKG headphones? I like what I hear about them, but migh try to get a slightly cheaper one.



Well-known member
Jan 2, 2008
No and no I'm afraid.

However, the X-CANS was not a million miles away from the V8P and modified it is almost as good. The V8P has a wider soundstage where the music sounds outside your head and streo effects are greater. As for clarity, bass, treble etc the V8P is a bit better in all. So the V3, from other reviews and comments on forums will be a good bet, I am sure. But the V2 looks nicer!

I went for the AKGs purely on reviews (including Musical Fidelity themselves) as there is no dealer I can find in Scotland who sells them. I noticed that a lot of MF owners also have AKGs in their kit lists/signatures and not just the K702s.


Thanks again, idc.

I disagree on the looks, so the v3 seems a good idea.

As for the AKGs, I shall try to find a place where I can try them on before I buy. Maybe they'll have more than one model.



Well-known member
Jan 2, 2008
Please post back with how you you get on


I will do, but it may take me a few weeks, as I'm off on a holiday and we will be moving house in early September.

In the meantime any other advice from you and other forum members remain very welcome!



Hi again,

As promised, a brief update on my adventures in (headphone) hifi. I bought a second-hand X-Can V8 (not V8P, so no pre-outs) off Ebay for a very good price and received it today. At the moment, I don't have dedicated headphones for it yet, but even with my Goldring NS1000s, which I normally use with my iPod on flights, it sounds great, and that's with 320kps files from a MacBook through the USB dac (I'm on holiday and therefore away from my CD collection).

Next is a headphone purchase, and I'm looing for AKGs, k601 or k701. Obviously, I'll rip my CDs in lossless, too. Eventually, I might compare the internal dac with the V-Dac (a friend has one).

In the meantime, I was wondering whether anyone (idc?) has tried the X-Can v8 with an alternative power supply (Maplin, Little Pinkie, MF) and whether you tend to leave it on permanently. I'm currently running a test with a measuring tool to see how much electricity it uses when idle, and how hot it gets.

Anyway, I feel already that this was a good buy. Thanks for your advice, idc!



Well-known member
Jan 2, 2008
Hey Hedgehog, thanks for posting back. Whatever headphones you choose the V8P will, according to MF drive them to their full potential. My AGKs and Grados and the smaller Sennheisers all sound great.with it. Turn the volume up[ and they just get louder, no clipping, which suggests MFs claim is correct.

I havent tried another PSU, yet. When budget allows it will be a Little Pinky as they just get good reviews.

I dont leave mine on all the time. I have read mixed reviews of the benefits of leaving it on all the time, mainly to do with reducing the life of the valves. One think that I have found is that it does need warming up. I switch it on 5 minutes or so before I use it. Even then it can take an album before it really gets going. It doesnt get hot at all, just warm to touch. My X-CANS gets much hotter.


Another update: I took the plunge and bought a pair of AKG 701s from Ebay. They arrived this morning and, as I'm writing this, I'm listening to Kind of Blue on them (through my X-Can v8). All I can say is that they sound amazing and are really comfortable. I might report back with more detail in a few days when I've had a chance to listen to them some more.



Well-known member
Jan 2, 2008
AKG and MF are made for each other IMHO. Mine have hundreds of hours on them now and the sound just keeps getting better. I have read of AKGs taking a year to really get gonig. Even though that seems extreme I am prepared, now, to believe it.


Sounds I've got something to look forward to then. However, mine were bought s/h and are about a year old, so it's hard to say how much they're burned in.

Anyway, I'm going to use them as much as possible over the next few weeks!

Also, I'm somehow moving away from my original idea of ripping all my CDs and playing them through the DAC. I just feel I'll miss the discs. So I'm contemplating a s/h MF X-Ray now. Unfortunately, they are not that cheap yet.



Unfortunately, I live in a developing country (Ireland), so no Spotify for me. Thanks for the idea anyway. All my stuff is packed up now for the move (within Dublin), but hopefully I'll arrive at some sort of solution soonish.



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