I ipri New member Feb 10, 2009 35 0 0 Nov 15, 2010 #1 Hi...have looked at Arcam solo...comes with Muso speakers.....can be got for £999 any comments...wanted hard drive for storage...ipod dock.?? does same thing? ta ian
Hi...have looked at Arcam solo...comes with Muso speakers.....can be got for £999 any comments...wanted hard drive for storage...ipod dock.?? does same thing? ta ian
S Sizzers New member Jun 20, 2008 188 0 0 Nov 15, 2010 #2 You can get it here for £599 then choose the speakers that best suit you.
R ReValveiT New member Aug 2, 2010 20 0 0 Nov 15, 2010 #3 You mean the Solo Mini? Get it. I love mine. But don't get the bundle, Get something like MA's BX2 Speakers and you'll be blown away by this little system. For iPod Dock, go irDOCK.
You mean the Solo Mini? Get it. I love mine. But don't get the bundle, Get something like MA's BX2 Speakers and you'll be blown away by this little system. For iPod Dock, go irDOCK.
M matengawhat Well-known member Aug 17, 2007 695 15 18,895 Nov 15, 2010 #4 http://www.moorgateacoustics.co.uk/x-demo-equipment/arcam-solomuso-2122706-169901-714623.php have a look here - full size arcam solo, ex display - good shop and have bought ex demo off them prev and was mint
http://www.moorgateacoustics.co.uk/x-demo-equipment/arcam-solomuso-2122706-169901-714623.php have a look here - full size arcam solo, ex display - good shop and have bought ex demo off them prev and was mint
I ipri New member Feb 10, 2009 35 0 0 Nov 15, 2010 #5 Thanks so much....can I buy the ir dock separate at a later time??
I ipri New member Feb 10, 2009 35 0 0 Nov 15, 2010 #6 O.K...whats the difference between the mini and the full size version...?? Neo...apart from size!!
M matengawhat Well-known member Aug 17, 2007 695 15 18,895 Nov 15, 2010 #7 that wasn't the neo but the old solo that's just been replaced by the neo the solo was a higher speced machine in terms of parts, more powerful amp etc the neo i believe adds USB, Ethernet and Blu-Tooth for wired and wireless Streaming from your PC.
that wasn't the neo but the old solo that's just been replaced by the neo the solo was a higher speced machine in terms of parts, more powerful amp etc the neo i believe adds USB, Ethernet and Blu-Tooth for wired and wireless Streaming from your PC.